European Day of Languages

Welcome to celebrate European Day of Languages ​​at the University of Oulu, Linnanmaa campus!

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Stands in Green coat racks, Career Centre at 10am - 4pm

  • Competitions and activities: Take part in language quizzes and fun competitions, write poems in different languages, imitate animal sounds and listen to them in different languages. Share your memories of European countries and languages.
  • Knit and chat: Join us to knit a scarf together and chat in English in a friendly atmosphere.
  • Café Lingua: Get to know different languages​, play board games and have fun.
  • Information on language learning: come and find out what interesting languages you can study at the University of Oulu.
  • Tandem learning: Students teach each other their own languages and the culture of their country - and earn credits in a fun way.
  • Linguistic howlers and language recognition: Come and see what happens when a machine tries to replace a human translator. Test if you recognize European languages!
  • International reading corner: Relax and read in different languages in a comfortable environment.
  • Erasmus Mobility Services: Are you interested in a traineeship in Europe? Come and find out about your opportunities!
  • Strategy and Science Policy Unit: Global Week 2024 and the main event of the week: Festival of Cultures

Interesting presentations: come to listen and discuss!

Agora (AT128) at 11 - 12

Teuro – Fanmeile – Krisenmodus. Die “Wörter des Jahres" als
Ausdruck des Zeitgeistes und der europäischen
Sprachentwicklung (Dr. Lutz Kuntzsch, Gesellschaft für
deutsche Sprache)

L2 at 2am - 3.30pm

Urpo, jonne ja lappuliisa – when a first name becomes a
common word (FT Maria Sarhemaa)

In Pegasus at 10am - 3pm

  • Book exhibition related in the theme
  • Presentation of the MOT Language Service and a task with a small prize

The event is organized by the Centre for Languages and Communication Lingua (University of Oulu), the Language Center (Oulu University of Applied Sciences) and the Faculty of Humanities (University of Oulu).

Last updated: 26.9.2024