FinTomo seminar 2023, Oulu, Finland

FinTomo - network has been established to improve communication and co-operation between Finnish tomography entities. The network is highly multidisciplinary, and its research covers a wide range of materials and devices from academia to industry. The next FinTomo seminar will be held in Oulu between 26.-27.1. The event is a joint effort between the University of Oulu and Nokia. Please join us to hear the most recent development within our network.

Event information


Thu 26.01.2023 09:30 - Fri 27.01.2023 16:00

Venue location

Nokia Oyj, Kaapelitie 4, 90620, Oulu & Lapland Hotels Oulu, Kirkkokatu 3, 90100, Oulu

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Schedule 26.1.

Location: Nokia Oyj, Kaapelitie 4, 90620 Oulu

09:30-09:45 Welcome, Marko Huttula, University of Oulu

09:45-10:00 FinTomo network, Mikko Finnilä, University of Oulu

Local laboratories:

10:00-10:30 Mikko Finnilä, University of Oulu, X-ray microtomography facilities and activities at the University of Oulu

10:30-11:00 Satu Ylimaula & Sampo Ylisiurua, University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital: MITTLAB – Medical Imaging Teaching and Test Laboratory

11:00-11:30 Andreas Hauptmann, University of Oulu: Unsupervised denoising for sparse multi-spectral computed tomography

11:30-12:00 Aleksei Tiulpin, University of Oulu: Machine Learning for Automatic Analysis of Cartilage and Bone.

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00-14:00 Jussi Jääskeläinen, Nokia Oyj: Laboratory tour.

Invited talks and new technologies

14:00-15:00 Rajmund Mokso: Phase contrast imaging from synchrotrons to laboratory setting.

15:00-16:00 Dr. Mohsen Samadi-Khoshkhoo, Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH, Extending Synchrotron X-ray Microscopy to the Laboratory - X-Ray Microscopy as a correlative imaging technique

18:00- Dinner, Lapland Hotels Oulu, Kirkkokatu 3, 90100, OULU, FINLAND

Schedule 27.1.

Location: Lapland Hotels Oulu, Kirkkokatu 3, 90100, OULU, FINLAND

Scientific talks from FinTomo laboratories I

09:00-09:30 Janne Yliharju, University of Jyväskylä: X-ray tomographic method for monitoring water transport in swelling materials.

09:30-10:00 Vilma Väänänen, University of Helsinki "Seeing through development - X-ray microtomography in studies of tooth formation"

Coffee break 30 mins

Scientific talks from FinTomo laboratories II

10:30-11:00 Jukka Kuva, GTK: Recent advances for in situ imaging of geological materials

11:00-11:30 Markus Hannula, Tampere University: X-ray microtomography of small intestine biopsies.

Lunch 1h

12:30-13:00 Janne Mäkelä, University of Eastern Finland: New generation spectral computed tomography and nano contrast media for osteoarthritis

13:00-13:30 Jorma Määttä, University of Turku: Sex steroid regulation of bone: conditional knock-out mice and micro-CT as a tool in modelling.

Coffee break 30 mins

Invited talks and new technologies

14:00-14:30 James Carr, Blue Scientific/Bruker: TBA

14:30-15:00 Jan Dewanckele, TESCAN XRE, Ghent Belgium: New dimensions to micro-CT imaging

15:00-15:30 Erik Lauridsen, Xnovo: Mapping crystal orientation and morphology nondestructively in 3D with laboratory diffraction contrast tomography


Carl Zeiss AB


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Last updated: 15.2.2023