GenZ pilot studies Twitter conference: Emerging research on the future of humans and digitalisation
The six multidisciplinary research teams present their experiences and results of the GenZ pilot studies conducted during the spring of 2021 using the LeaF research infrastructure.
Join us in Twitter @OuluTc and @GenZ_Oulu
Conference hashtag: #GenZ_Oulu
Event information
Tue 15.06.2021 14:00 - 16:00
Venue location
GenZ project opened a call at the end of 2020 for pilot studies to be focused on understanding and supporting interactions in the COVID conditions. The six pilot studies from different fields at the University of Oulu received funding and have been conducted during the spring of 2021.
The GenZ pilot studies focus on, e.g., the following questions:
- What are the human competences or skills needed for interaction and work in teams face to face and remotely?
- How do different technologies affect interaction?
- How can conditions for interactions be designed and supported for COVID/post-COVID needs?
- How has the COVID epidemic transformed (facilitated, constrained or something else) the ways of expressing, understanding, and interpreting interactions?
14:00 Opening: GenZ director Pentti Haddington
14:15 Introduction to LeaF: Sanna Järvelä & Antti Siipo
Pilot study presentations
14:30 Digital and Collaborative Learning Competence of the Students and their Educators in Health Sciences (DigiCollaborativeLearning)
14:45 A pilot study to develop machine learning methods for recognizing Interactive gestures between two persons
15:00 Co-shaping humane technology use: hybrid sociabilities in times of a pandemic
15:15 Tracing teacher education students’ learning during an immersive virtual reality learning task using multimodal data
15:30 Translingual communication practices in global business (GloBus)
15:45 Remote Research and Collaboration Using VR and 360° Video (RReCo-VR360)
16:00 Ending