Global Week – Fusion of cultures

Join us for a week of celebrating with people from different backgrounds and cultures. Global Week is an opportunity to explore the world right here in Oulu without leaving the campus!
People dancing together.

Event information


Mon 18.11.2024 - Fri 22.11.2024



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The week’s programme includes old favourites like the Festival of Cultures and Study Abroad Fair – but also brand-new events focusing on fusing Finnish culture with cultures represented in our university communities.

Whether you want to discover new music, art, start-up ideas and cultural knowledge, you will find it in the week’s programme! Global Week is open to everyone - students and staff of UniOulu and Oamk as well as Oulu citizens and visitors.

Don't miss this chance to expand your horizons and connect with the global community. Stay tuned, save the dates in your calendar and follow our channels, as more information will be revealed closer to autumn on this page.

Welcome to celebrate the fusion of cultures!

Oulu is the European Capital of Culture 2026. Global Week is a part of Oulu2026 cultural programme and a part of cultural climate change.

Global Week 2024:

Tuesday 19.11.

The week kicks off with the Official Opening Ceremony at 9.30 am at the Linnanmaa campus' main lobby.

The University of Oulu's Vice Rector for education, Mirja Illikainen and the Oulu University of Applied Sciences' rector and CEO, Heidi Fagerholm will set the stage for the week's festivities.

We will offer morning coffee and breakfast for the opening ceremony’s guests, so make sure to stop by before your day’s work or lectures!

Right after the opening ceremony, it’s time for the Study Abroad Fair, where both students and staff members can learn more about study and traineeship exchange opportunities as well staff and teacher exchange opportunities abroad. You can chat with the International Mobility Services team as well as with our exchange ambassadors - students who have already been on exchange and can share their exchange experiences and best tips for a successful exchange.

Wednesday 20.11.

Fuel your entrepreneurial spirit at Start-up Booster, a day for crafting future innovators and change-makers. Collaborating across cultures and fusing them together will create all-new business solutions! Sign-up for the event is open.

Thursday 21.11.

Experience the vibrant Festival of Cultures, a colourful day full of performances, cuisine, fashion and art showcasing our global community's rich diversity. The program of the festival is designed by our own students and staff, who want to showcase their culture.

See more information and stay tuned for the finalised estival program:

Friday 22.11.

Share the end of the week with the next generation on Children’s Day at Work, a perfect opportunity to present the everyday academic life to kids! More information for staff about Children's Day at Work is posted on staff intranets.

The Student Unions of both UniOulu and Oamk will host their own events for students with families as well. Follow OYY's and OSAKO's own channels to learn more.

Last updated: 29.10.2024