Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme (HBS-DP) orientation event for doctoral researchers

Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme (HBS-DP) is launching orientation events for doctoral researchers. The first orientation event will take place on 3.9.2024 at 14:15-17:00 in lecture hall F202.

Event information



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The event is held in English, and it is specifically designed for new doctoral researchers in the HBS-DP. However, all HBS-DP doctoral researchers and supervisors are welcome and can benefit from attending! This is also a great opportunity to meet fellow doctoral researchers.


14:15-14:55Doctoral degree programmes of HBS-DP

Directors of doctoral degree programmes: Terhi Ruuska, Virpi Harila, Maria Kääriäinen, Thomas Kietzmann

14:55-15:00  University of Oulu Graduate School (UniOGS)

UniOGS coordinator Heli Ruotsalainen

15:00-15:10 Health and Biosciences Doctoral Programme (HBS-DP)

HBS-DP coordinator Emmi Alakärppä

15:10-15:25  Research environment: Biocenter and MRC

Coordinators Pirkko Huhtala and Emmi Alakärppä

15:25-15:45  BREAK (coffee/tee and snacks)​

15:45-15:55  Important systems for doctoral researchers: Peppi, Moodle and Tuudo

UniOGS coordinator Heli Ruotsalainen

15:55-16:15  Doctoral studies: General and transferable studies and field-specific studies

Coordinators Heli Ruotsalainen and Emmi Alakärppä  

16:15-16:25  FinnGen

Senior Research Fellow Jaakko Tyrmi

16:25-16:30  Doctoral Researchers' Section

Doctoral Researcher Venla Ylinen

16:30-16:35  Other issues

HBS-DP Coordinator Emmi Alakärppä  

16:35-17:00 Feedback and discussion​

17:00 Event ends

Please register for the event by 27.8. at the latest for coffee service

Last updated: 2.7.2024