HI Ethics Forum: Ethical considerations on (urban) living with AI

HI Ethics Forum: Ethical considerations on (urban) living with AI dives into intersections between philosophy of mind, technology, psychiatry and AI as well as urban planning and design in the age of rapidly developing artificial intelligence.
HI Ethics Forum will be held on 11th of September at 12-14.00, at Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa Campus, University of Oulu, & online in Zoom.
Young scientists outside in wintery scene pointing at data bits on the sky at the University of Oulu

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Venue location

Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa campus, Unversity of Oulu & Zoom



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HI Ethics Forum: Ethical considerations on (urban) living with AI dives into intersections between philosophy of mind, technology, psychiatry and AI as well as urban planning and design in the age of rapidly developing artificial intelligence.

HI Ethics Forum will be held on 11th of September at 12-14.00, at Tellus Stage, Linnanmaa Campus, University of Oulu, & online in Zoom.

Please note: We will send the Zoom link to the registered participants before the event.

Register here for the event.


Keynote: Extending Mind with AI, Pii Telakivi, University of Turku, University of Helsinki
Keynote: Urban AI: Autonomous systems as parts of cities and urban life, Aale Luusua, University of Oulu

Chair: Susanne Uusitalo from Hybrid Intelligence research programme (University of Oulu).

About keynote speakers

Pii Telakivi is a philosopher at the University of Turku and University of Helsinki. Her research focuses on extended, embodied cognition, exploring the intersections between philosophy of mind, technology, artificial intelligence, and psychiatry. Her book “Extending the Extended Mind: From Cognition to Consciousness” was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2023.

Aale Luusua (Dr. Tech, M.Sc. Architect) is a researcher and university teacher at the University of Oulu, and the PI of the Academy of Finland postdoctoral project “AI City”. Published in international journals and conferences by SAGE, Springer, and ACM, Aale’s research revolves around the intricacies of urban planning and design in the age of rapidly developing artificial intelligence, especially from a participatory perspective.

Warmly welcome!

Last updated: 22.8.2024