Horizon Expo and Awards 2022 Oulu

How can you benefit from Horizon Europe funding? Welcome to discuss, share ideas and network!

To celebrate the funding already received from Horizon Europe, and continue the success in future applications, we are organizing the "Horizon Expo and Awards Oulu 2022" event for the first time. The event offers an opportunity to network, share experiences and discuss new Horizon cooperation projects. The event is open to everyone and, in addition to researchers from the University of Oulu, representatives of companies and other stakeholders related to Horizon Europe are invited to attend.

Event information


Tue 13.12.2022 12:00 - 16:00

Venue location

at the back of the Foodoo Garden restaurant, Linnanmaa campus, University of Oulu

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Join the success and take advantage of the funding opportunities offered by the EU!

What is Horizon Europe?

EU’s Horizon Europe programme finances international research and innovation projects, as well as companies' product development, scaling-up of innovation and international growth. The programme has a total budget of EUR 95 billion for the years 2021–2027. The University of Oulu and its partners were awarded more than EUR 30 million in funding in the first round of Horizon Europe calls.


12.00 Lunch buffet

12.30 Opening words

12.45 Project presentations

12.45 My experiences of a HEU proposal preparation as a partner of the consortium, Eeva-Kaisa Prokkola, Professor, Geography Research Unit

12.55 Working with NGOs and facilitating project preparation as a Coordinator, Marianne Kinnula, Associate Professor and Eva Durall Gazulla, Postdoctoral Researcher, Human Computer Interaction and Human-Centered Development Research Unit

13.05 Coordinating an interdisciplinary and international doctoral training programme, Henna Longi, Coordinator, Industrial Engineering and Management Research Unit

13.15 Coordinating Creative Europe Project, Heikki Riikonen, Principal Lecturer, team leader, RDI Manager, Media and Performing Arts, Oamk

13.30 Networking and discussion. Project and service stands, e.g. of the following themes: open science and data management, project budgeting, innovation, impact, research funding

14.00 Company collaboration

  • Cooperation with the University of Oulu - Company perspective, Anne Kaiser, Sustainability Manager, Saint-Gobain Finland Oy
  • Fantastic company partners and how to find them? Tero Luukkonen, Assistant Professor, Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit
  • How to build a good consortium? Tips and lessons learned, Marcos Katz, Professor, CWC - Networks and Systems Research Unit

15.00 Awards and refreshments

16.00 End of the event

The event is in English and free of charge for everyone.


Please register here by 2 December, 2022.

More information

Pirjo Koivusaari


050 596 1741

Last updated: 2.12.2022