How to make cities more attractive for graduated students? Oulu & Bochum in panel discussion

Join us for an engaging CityLabs panel discussion organized by UNIC. The aim of this event is to address the topic of attractiveness of post-industrial cities and discuss strategies for preventing the brain drain phenomena.

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The event offers the opportunity to learn best practices from each other and bring a diverse panel of experts from Bochum and Oulu, including:

  • Lisa Methling, Consultant for Political Networking and International Affairs - City of Bochum.
  • Fabian Hoff, Supporting Start-ups at Bochum Economic Development.
  • Helena Louhela, PhD and a post-doctoral researcher at the Gender Studies, University of Oulu, Finland.
  • Mari Rautiainen, Head of Talent team in BusinessOulu.
  • The panel discussion will be moderated by Simo Kekäläinen.

More information and registration on the European University UNIC website

Also apply to the UNIC and BusinessOulu idea competition by 1.4.: How to strengthen students' working life opportunities in Oulu?

Read more about European University UNIC

Last updated: 3.3.2022