InnoVisitor: Blueprint for Growth — How businesses and universities can build the future together? Featuring Mikael Pentikäinen

Welcome to an inspiring event where we will forge a new future together!
Mikael Pentikäinen

Event information


Fri 15.11.2024 09:15 - 10:30

Venue location

Innovaation Centre's Livingroom YT101, Linnanmaa campus, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1



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Joining us in person is Mikael Pentikäinen, CEO of Yrittäjät, who will share his insights on how small and medium-sized businesses can team up with universities in both research and education. The goal? To develop solutions that not only tackle today’s challenges but also pave the way for a more sustainable and competitive future.

How can we encourage even more companies to discover innovative ways to grow through research partnerships with universities? Come to listen, discuss, and be inspired!

Enjoy coffee and light snacks on site!


  • Friday, November 15th, from 9:15 AM to 10:30 AM


If you’ll join us on site, register here, please!

Last updated: 7.11.2024