Invitation to Multiplier Event Webinar of ERASMUS+ ChatLearn project

"Personalized project management learning with chatbots”, ChatLearn, is an Erasmus+ project that aims to develop educational chatbot solutions that renew digital higher education and make it more personalized, interactive and engaging to students with different competence levels and in different life situations.

Event information


Wed 25.01.2023 14:00 - 15:00

Venue location

Zoom Webinar

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The project partners University of Oulu, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Politecnico di Milano and Reykjavik University invite you to this webinar to share the first insights on the development of personalized learning in higher education based on chatbot technology.

The first multiplier event of Erasmus+ ChatLearn project is organized together with the ChatLearn project associate partner IPMA, the International Project Management Association, and their special interest group on artificial intelligence (IPMA SIG AI). Our context is the multi-disciplinary field of project management taught for a wide array of students in universities.

The particular objective is to share knowledge to the interested stakeholders, project management specialists, educators and other higher education teachers about the developed conceptual educational chatbot design and templates and tools based on which they can start developing their own, subject-specific educational chatbots. A wide range of higher education teachers and other specialists are targeted, including those from the fields of engineering and educational sciences.

In addition, we will present and discuss the possibilities of educational chatbots in the field of higher education in the personalization of digital learning and in making it more interactive.

This multiplier event will be organized completely as a virtual webinar.

PRELIMINARY AGENDA (will be updated) 25.1.2023 at 13-14 (CET) / 14-15 (EET, Finnish time)

  • Introduction to ChatLearn project
  • Introduction of project result 1: Technology mapping & current state report
  • Introduction of project result 2: Conceptual model & educational design for chatbot
  • Comments from IPMA SIG SmarterU and SIG Innovation & Change
  • Questions & Answers

Additional info

Please contact for further information about the event!

You can find more information about the project here.

Last updated: 21.12.2022