Kvantum Science Days 2024 - Mitigating climate change and safeguarding biodiversity

Kvantum Science Days 2024 will focus on "Mitigating Climate Change and Safeguarding Biodiversity". It will conclude the current spearhead project period and introduce new spearhead projects for 2025-2028.

Event information


Wed 27.11.2024 - Fri 29.11.2024

Venue location

Tellus Linnanmaa, Stage



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Kvantum Science Days event is free of charge, but we ask you to sign up for catering. Please register by 20th November. Link for registration

Abstracts of the presentations


November 27 (Day 1)

8:30 - 9:00 Coffee (coffee services are free of charge for registered participants)

9:00 - 9:40 Opening session

Welcome. Research Director Jussi Paakkari, Kvantum Institute

Keynote speech. “Mobile information society” – techno-scientific imaginaries of the 1990s’ in retrospect. Professor Mika Pantzar, University of Helsinki

9:40 - 11:40 Session 1. Recent advances and future directions in upper atmosphere and space environment research

Chair: University Lecturer Ilkka Virtanen, Space Physics and Astronomy Research Unit

Project presentations. Key findings and results from the project period 2021 – 2024 and introduction for the new projects on period 2025-2028

Polar Ionosphere-Thermosphere response to the May 2024 geomagnetic superstorm. Postdoctoral Researcher Lei Cai

Polar upper atmosphere and space environment studied with the EISCAT3D radar and other cutting-edge instruments (POLAR). Senior Research Fellow Heikki Vanhamäki

Understanding how aurorae are coupled with the interplanetary magnetic field. Academy Research Fellow Lauri Holappa

Energetic Particle Influence on polar vortex under Climate Change – EPICC. Associate Professor Timo Asikainen

Climate Impact of Energetic Particle Precipitation in the Arctic Region (CIEPPAR). Professor Pekka Verronen

Ionospheric Situational Awareness (ISAw). Doctoral Researcher Samson Moges

11:40 - 12:40 Lunch (on own cost)

12:40 - 14:40 Session 2. Recent advances and future directions in northern biodiversity and ecosystems studies

Chair: Senior Research Fellow Laura Kvist, Ecology and Genetics Research Unit

Project presentations. Key findings and results from the project period 2021 – 2024 and introduction for the new projects on period 2025-2028

Exploring geographical mismatch between supply and demand of ecosystem services using big and open source data across high latitudes (AccESS). Postdoctoral Researcher Terhi Ala-Hulkko

High-latitude greenhouse gases – a balancing act (HILAC). Professor Torben Christensen

Geodiversity for mapping and conserving biodiversity in the changing Arctic (GeoBioArctic). Professor Jan Hjort

Global change impacts on northern animal communities: from mechanisms to ecosystem-level implications. Postdoctoral Researcher Tuomas Kankaanpää

Fall and rise of endangered species: Detection of genomic and population ecological signals of decreasing and increasing populations. Postdoctoral Researcher Alina Niskanen

Developing a Genomic Blueprint for a Bio-literate Future. Professor Marko Mutanen

14:40 - 15:20 Coffee and poster session


The role of geodiversity in ecological connectivity. Doctoral Researcher Aino-Maija Määttänen

Interacting processes in Arctic reindeer systems experiencing rapid climate change. Professor Jeff Welker, Senior Research Scientist Jouko Kumpula, Post doctoral Researcher Maria Väisänen, Senior Researcher Riku Paavola, PhD Inkeri Markkula, Doctoral Researcher Noora Kantola, Doctoral Researcher Tamara Hiltunen, Doctoral Researcher Clement Masse, Doctoral Researcher Mirella Karppinen

The potential of non-native pink salmon to boost Arctic ecosystems - a threat or an opportunity? Senior Research Scientist Kaisa-Leena Huttunen

Hybrid Microbial Electrochemical Technology Constructed Wetland (HyMETland). Doctoral Researcher Laura Tarvainen

A Combined Effect of the Earth's Magnetic Dipole Tilt and IMF By in Controlling Auroral Electron Precipitation. Doctoral Researcher Jussi Laitinen, Doctoral Researcher Lauri Holappa and Senior Research Fellow Heikki Vanhamäki

15:20 - 17:00 Session 2 continues. Recent advances and future directions in northern biodiversity and ecosystems studies

Chair: Professor Jan Hjort, Geography Research Unit

Project presentations. Key findings and results from the project period 2021 – 2024 and introduction for the new projects on period 2025-2028

HYPERISK – Geospatial data-based modelling for improved permafrost risk assessments. Postdoctoral Researcher Olli Karjalainen

Stream biodiversity under change: Is water quality improvement compromised by intensified land use? Senior Researcher Riku Paavola

Unraveling the effects of contemporary and historical changes in climate and land use on freshwater biodiversity in high-latitude regions of Europe and North America. Senior Research Fellow Janne Alahuhta

DigiPeat – Digital high-resolution verification tools for documenting peatland restoration and changes. Associate Professor Hannu Marttila

Mosses, nature’s purifier, for reducing land use-derived metal and nutrient loads in catchments (PUREWA). Professor Anna-Maria Pirttilä

17:00 - 18:30 Evening get-together: Sparkling wine, snacks, and discussion in Kvantum’s Living room (free of charge for registered participants)

November 28 (Day 2)

8:30 - 9:00 Coffee (coffee services are free of charge for registered participants)

Opening session 9:00 - 9:40

Welcome. Professor Seppo Vainio, Scientific Director of Kvantum Institute

Keynote speech. Surveying the world's biodiversity with DNA, audio and image. Professor Otso Ovaskainen, University of Jyväskylä

9:40 - 11:20 Session 3. Recent advances and future directions in catalysis and clean energy studies

Chair: Professor Daniela Bezuidenhout, Environmental and Chemical Engineering Research Unit

Project presentations. Key findings and results from the project period 2021 – 2024 and introduction for the new projects on period 2025-2028

Electronic level understanding of transition metal based heterojunction catalysis (NANOCAT). Postdoctoral Researcher Manoj Ghosalya.

Hybrid Panel Reactor for Direct Production and Separation of Solar Hydrogen – HYDRO. Professor Cao Wei

Towards Metal-Free Catalysis: CO2 and H2 Activation by T-shaped Metal Mimics. Professor Daniela Bezuidenhout

Energy- and cost-efficient production of solar energy under arctic environmental conditions. Doctoral Researcher Vinay Shekar

Continuously observed quantum matter with superconducting circuits. Doctoral Researcher Taneli Tolppanen

11:30 - 12:30 Lunch (on own cost)

12:30 - 13:50 Session 4. Recent advances and future directions in carbon-neutral steelmaking and carbon-capturing materials

Chair: Professor Päivö Kinnunen, Fibre and Particle Engineering Research Unit

Project presentations. Key findings and results from the project period 2021 – 2024 and introduction for the new projects on period 2025-2028

Towards carbon-neutral steelmaking through hydrogen-reduction and application of clean steels - CLEAN2STEEL. Doctoral Researcher Aidin Heidari

Green Transition through 4th Generation steels Innovations and clean technology (Green4GTech). Postdoctoral Researcher Sumit Ghosh

Carbon-capturing magnesium cement (CARBO-CEM). Doctoral Researcher Mahtab Akbarzadeh Khoei

Cosmo-local value networks for carbon-capturing magnesium cement. Doctoral Researcher Sudeep Parajuli

13:50 - 14:30 Coffee and poster session


T-Capsules: Granulated mine tailings as solid CO2 adsorbents and their performance/ recyclability as secondary aggregate in concrete production. Doctoral Researcher Prince Allah

Cosmo-local value networks project. Title to be updated. Doctoral Researcher Sudeep Parajuli

Robust 2D materials for sensors, photo and electrocatalysis (ROAR). Postdoctoral Researcher Olli Pitkänen

14:30 - 16:00 Session 5. Recent advances and future directions in innovative NMR and biomaterials for sustainability

Chair: Research Director Jussi Paakkari, Kvantum Institute

Project presentations. Key findings and results from the project period 2021 – 2024 and introduction for the new projects on period 2025-2028

Metal-free parahydrogen-induced polarization: solvent effects and their influence on the NMR signal enhancement. Doctoral Researcher Karolina Konsewicz

Sensitive NMR for Sustainable Development. Professor Ville-Veikko Telkki

Production and Development of Novel Natural Nano and Micro Biomaterials and Diagnostic Technologies for Catalytic, and Bio- and Circular Economics (BioEVEngine). Postdoctoral Researcher Feby Pratiwi

Species Derived Exo Vesicles as Novel Bioaerosol Type & Biodiversity Indicators (AirBioDiV). Professor Seppo Vainio

Summary and end of the day

November 29 (Day 3) - Pathways to the future

Tellus Linnanmaa Stage and Frost Club

The event is part of the activities of the Kvantum Institute, and the related Technology and Natural Sciences Doctoral Programme. Applicable for research plan seminar course (1 cr)


8:30 - 9:00 Coffee (free of charge for registered participants)

Chair: Coordinator Riitta Kamula, Kvantum Institute and TNS-DP programme

09:00- 9:30 Career Narrative. Christian Schuss, University Lecturer, Optoelectronics Research Unit, University of Oulu


Research presentations

09:40 - 10:10 Cosmo-local value network for carbon- capturing magnesium cement. Sudeep Parajuli, Industrial Engineering and Management, University of Oulu
10:10 - 10:40 Biodiversity and greenhouse gases. Priscilla Christiani, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) / Geography Research Unit, Faculty of Science, University of Oulu
10:40 - 11:10 Energy -and cost-efficient production of solar energy under arctic environmental conditions. Vinay Shekar; WE3, University of Oulu

11:10 - 12:00 Lunch (own cost)

12:00 - 12:30 Keynote presentation. The future direction of doctoral education in Finland. UniOGS Director Annu Perttunen, University of Oulu
12:30 - 13:00 Decoupling ramping patterns from economic motivations: Energy storage systems for cascade hydropower in Finland. Julia Kiehle; WE3, University of Oulu
13:00 - 13:30 Role of acid dissociation and its surface modulation on aerosol-cloud interactions. Gargi Sengupta and Nønne Prisle, ATMOS, University of Oulu

13:40 - 14:30 Closing session

  • How to engage your audience. Coordinator Riitta Kamula, Kvantum Institute /TNS-DP, University of Oulu
  • Discussions and wrap-up of the seminar
Last updated: 27.11.2024