Meet the Top Scientist seminar on December 14th

Meet the Top Scientist seminar organized by Kvantum Focus Institute and R3 will discuss hostile and stormy sun. The program consists of interesting presentations by the top scientists around the theme and interactive part.

Event information


Tue 14.12.2021 09:00 - 11:30

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Space and more specifically the Sun sparks conversation even during the darkest time of the year. This week, Jyrki Manninen, Vice Director of the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, was interviewed by YLE about the increase in solar winds, watch the interview in Finnish.

During the seminar, you will hear about the topic from different perspectives from three top scientists from the field of Space Physics and Astronomy.

The event will give you a possibility to learn about Space Physics and Astronomy, have multidisciplinary discussions, and most importantly meet the three top scientists.


  • Professor Eija Tanskanen, Director of Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
  • Professor Anita Aikio, Leader of Space Physics and Astronomy Research Unit
  • Professor Ilya Usoskin, Head of Oulu Cosmic Ray Station and Vice-Director of ReSoLVE Center of Excellence

All are welcome! The event is in English.

Due to the recent development of the pandemic, the event will be organized virtually in: No pre-registration is required.

The event will take place on Dec. 14th at 9-11:30 at


Last updated: 13.12.2021