MegaMatchmaking recruitment event

Get inspired by the talks, meet employers live, network, and find employment!

Event information



Venue location

Tullisali, (Tyrnäväntie 16)



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MegaMatchmaking will be held at Tullisali in Oulu (Tyrnäväntie 16) on Wednesday 25 September from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is a free bus service from the centre of Oulu to the event. A non-stop bus service will run from Oulu’s city center, connecting Torinranta ja Tullisali from 8.45 AM to 3.15 PM. The departure point in Torinranta is Kaarlenväylä.

Event offers CV photography, a career cafe and inspiring speeches.


10.00–10.30: Humane job search of 2024: Nobody’s perfect — enable your full potential as a job seeker!
Anna-Maija Västilä, Notarec

10.45–11.15: Becoming a Magnet to the employers
Lukumanu Idrissu

11.30–12.00: Finnish working life and culture — Employees rights and obligations in Finland (TBC)
Hannele Ugur, SAK

See here the whole event programme and list of exhibitorors.

The event is organized by BusinessOulu and TE services.

Last updated: 28.8.2024