New professors’ inaugural lectures at the Faculty of Medicine, 8 May
Welcome to listen to the Faculty of Medicine's new professors' inaugural lectures on their fields and research topics at Kontinkangas Campus on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 13. At the event, three professors will speak about their research. The event will be in Finnish.

Event information
Wed 08.05.2024 13:00 - 15:00
Venue location
Leena Palotie -auditorio, Kontinkankaan kampus, Oulun yliopisto (Aapistie 5A, Oulu)
Professor Miia Turpeinen: Lääkkeet, yksilö ja yhteiskunta
Professor Timo Hautala: Infektioalttius – itse aiheutettua, sattumaa vai perittyä?
Professor Eero Kajantie: Keskonen aikuisena (lecture cancelled due to illness)
Last updated: 8.5.2024