New professors’ inaugural lectures in Linnanmaa campus

Welcome to the inaugural lectures of the new professors on their fields and research topics at the Tellus Stage in Linnanmaa on Monday, November 18, 2024, starting at 13:00. At the event, four professors from four faculties will talk about their research. The event will be streamed live on our YouTube channel.

Event information



Venue location

Tellus Stage



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Music Heikki Hallanoro, piano

University Greeting, Vice Rector for Research Taina Pihlajaniemi.

Faculty of Science: Professor Marko Mutanen

Oulu Business Scool: Professor Elias Oikarinen

Faculty of Technology: Professor Päivö Kinnunen

Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering: Professor Ilkka Nissinen

The event can be followed live on our YouTube channel.

Programme information will be updated.

Last updated: 15.10.2024