Nordic Obesity Meeting, Copenhagen 17.-19.11.2022

This year the Nordic Obesity Meeting is organized by the Danish Association for the Study on Obesity. The meeting will take place the 17-19 November 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The conference will bring together medical doctors, dieticians, health care professionals, and multidisciplinary researchers engaged in obesity research.
Danish street view.
Picture by Iris Vallejo, Pixabay

Event information


Thu 17.11.2022 - Sat 19.11.2022

Venue location

Scandic Copenhagen, Vester Søgade 6, 1601 København V

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Preceding the Nordic Obesity Meeting, and as part of the meeting, there will be an educational day on obesity, which will reflect ‘Perspectives on obesity management’ with topics spanning the diet, exercise, technological behavioral interventions, pharmacology, obesity surgery, weight neutral approaches, obesity stigma to prevention strategies.

The Nordic Obesity Meeting on ‘Novel insight on obesity biology, prevention, and management strategies will cover talks on obesity and metabolism, key genetic and non-genetic determinants of body weight regulation including early life risk factors, postpartum weight retention and sleep, and cutting-edge research in human brown adipose tissue, very low calory diet, constitutional thinness, and weight gain resistance. The meeting also gives young investigators the opportunity to present their research findings.


Online via

Early bird fees are valid until 14 September 2022. The final deadline for registrations is 10 October 2022.

Early career researchers (Ph.D. age <10 years) who have had an abstract accepted for the congress will have a reduced fee and free dinner on Nov 18. Keynote speakers, sponsors, and members of the organizing committee register free of charge. The registration fee covers participation in the Education day and the Nordic obesity Meeting including coffee and lunch on all three days.


Submit your abstract (250 words) to before September 1, 2022. Find abstract guidelines here.

Further info:

See the full programme, entry fees, etc. from the event's main page here.

Inquiries can be send directly to the event organizer:

Last updated: 19.8.2022