Open lecture, Prof. Jeffrey A. Greene, The Need for More and Better Epistemic Iteration Between Self-Regulated Learning Theory and Assessment

Over the roughly 50 years of its creation and evolution, self-regulated learning theory has proven to be; predictive, useful, and generative – but how can we make it even better?
Professor Greene UNC

Event information


Wed 02.11.2022 11:00 - 12:00

Venue location

LeaF Research Infrastructure

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In this presentation, Prof. Greene will discuss how epistemic iteration, the process of dynamically and reciprocally refining theory via empirical evidence and vice versa, can lead to the next evolution of self-regulated learning theory, research, and practice.

Jeffrey A. Greene is the McMichael Distinguished Professor in the Learning Sciences and Psychological Studies program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His main area of scholarship involves digital literacy, specifically how to help people become effective, efficient, and critical users and creators of information in technology contexts. He has published over 75 peer-reviewed articles, books, and book chapters on self-regulated learning, epistemic cognition, and online learning, among other topics.

Last updated: 26.10.2022