Profi5 HiDyn Workshop Day

The Profi5 HiDyn profilation theme organizes a full-day open event to showcase its research activities to the University of Oulu research community.

The event is held on Thursday 23rd of May from 9.00 to 15.45 at lecture hall L2, Linnanmaa campus. No pre-registration is required.

Event information


Thu 23.05.2024 09:00 - 15:45

Venue location

Lecture hall L2, Linnanmaa campus



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Profi5 HiDyn (active in 2020—2025) is a hub funded by Research Council of Finland and University of Oulu which builds on UO’s expertise in data science and AI to serve a broad range of disciplines. The core of HiDyn are interdisciplinary study groups where researchers from Mathematical Sciences and other UO research units and external institutes work jointly to solve high-dimensional problems in the application fields using dynamic data modelling. For further information, see the Profi5 HiDyn webpage:

Program of the Profi5 HiDyn Workshop Day

Program of the Profi5 HiDyn Workshop Day on 23rd of May, 2024.

Morning session

09.00 Coffee service

09.15 Opening words

Dr. Ilkka Launonen (Research Unit of Mathematical Sciences)
Profi5 HiDyn coordinator

Prof. Mikko Sillanpää (Research Unit of Mathematical Sciences)
Profi5 HiDyn chair

09.30 Vice rector’s speech

Prof. Taina Pihlajaniemi (ECM-Hypoxia Research Unit)
University of Oulu vice rector of research

10.00 Tenure-track professor’s presentation

Associate prof. Patrik Waldmann (Research Unit of Mathematical Sciences)

10.30 Tenure-track professor’s presentation

Associate prof. Miguel Bordallo López (Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis)

11.00 Speech by Profi5 HiDyn vice chair

Prof. Olli Silvén (Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis, emeritus)

11.30—12.45 Lunch (self-paid)

Afternoon session

12.45 Study group presentation (nanomaterials)

Dr. Mohammed Alaoui Mansouri (Nano and Molecular Systems Research Unit)
Profi5 HiDyn postdoc

13.15 Study group presentation (human genetics)

Dr. Ville Karhunen (MRC Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge, UK)
Profi5 HiDyn postdoc alumni

13.45 Study group presentation (tree breeding)

Dr. Kalle Leppälä (Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Programme, University of Helsinki)
Profi5 HiDyn postdoc alumni

14.15 Coffee service

14.30 Study group presentation (space physics)

Dr. Ilkka Virtanen (Space Physics and Astronomy Research Unit)
Affiliated study group member

15.00 Panel discussion

Topic: Explainable and Transparent AI

Panel discussion chair

Dr. Tero Lähderanta (Research Unit of Mathematical Sciences)
Profi5 HiDyn postdoc


R.d. Dr. Susanna Pirttikangas (Center for Ubiquitous computing)

Prof. Simo Saarakkala (Research Unit of Health Sciences and Technology)

Prof. Olli Silvén (Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis, emeritus)

Associate prof. Jaakko Suutala (Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group)

Associate prof. Patrik Waldmann (Research Unit of Mathematical Sciences)

15.45 Closing of the workshop

Profi5 HiDyn logo.
Last updated: 20.5.2024