Research and innovation based business in circular economy

Company specialists, researchers and developers gather together to discuss how research and innovation based business could be promoted. This pre-event, organized at the University of Oulu, Linnanmaa, prepares participants for next day´s Circular Economy conference arranged in Tullisali.

Event information


Tue 23.05.2023 14:00 - 19:00

Venue location

Saalasti Hall, Linnanmaa campus, Pentti Kaiteran katu 1

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The event is launched by a new Mayor of the City of Oulu, Seppo Määttä.

In the thematic session of Biocircular Economy, wood-based raw materials and manufacture of fabric are issued. In Minerals session the focus is on capture of metals, sustainable development of concrete and batteries along the digital product passport. The audience has an excellent chance to make questions for researchers!

In addition, entrepreneurs and company specialists open up different phases of successful collaboration with the University researchers. You can also visit the laboratories. Perhaps, you can find out a new partnership to your projects here!

After official program it is time to have some snacks and networking.

The event is organized by Oulu Innovation Alliance, BiKiDi and MUUVI projects. It is free and open for all.


See the program here (in Finnish)

Additional info
Samuel Lakkala, PhD researcher

Circular Economy Arena event 24.5.2023
Oulu Innovation Alliance

Last updated: 8.5.2023