The Science Day of the Kontinkangas Campus 2022
It is my great pleasure to invite you all to participate in the 19th Science Day of the Kontinkangas Campus on February 22, 2022. The program of the Science Day will include plenary lectures of invited speakers and oral presentations selected from the abstracts.
The theme of the Science Day is “Are you at risk? - Predisposing factors for diseases”. We are all at risk of diseases whether we leave the house or not, but the risk can be increased due to genetics, environmental factors, our physical and mental condition or by our habits. Knowing more about the risk factors involved allow us to take actions and improve our odds against threats including the viral infections currently affecting our everyday life.
We are privileged to have speakers addressing multiple predisposing factors ranging from overweight to molecular level therapies on the basis of the knowledge of risk factors.
We will update the web pages with information regarding the program and will be looking forward to receive abstracts from young scientists working on the campus to discuss their results at the event. We hope to meet you all virtually during the Kontinkangas Campus Science Day 2022.
Lari Lehtiö
Chair of the organizing committee
Science Day of the Kontinkangas Campus

Event information
Tue 22.02.2022 08:00 - 16:00
Venue location
Virtual event
“Are you at Risk?- Predisposing factors for diseases”
08.00 Virtual morning coffee at the “Lounge” (SpatialChat): testing and introduction to the poster session platform, Professor Lari Lehtiö.
Link for SpatialChat can be found in the ProspectumLIVE event page. Choose the tab “Lounge and poster sessions”
08.15 Welcoming words (SpatialChat)
Chair of the organization committee, Professor Lari Lehtiö
Keynote lectures (Zoom)
Chair: Professor Juhani Junttila
08.30-09.00 Background factors of temporomandibular disorders (TMD)
Professor Kirsi Sipilä, University of Oulu
09.00-09.45 Dimensions of overweight and obesity over the life-course
Professor Timo Strandberg, University of Helsinki
09.45-10.00 Coffee break
10.00-11.00 Oral presentations (selected from submitted abstracts, Zoom)
Chairs: Marja Vääräsmäki and Antti Haapalainen
10.00 Justiina Ronkainen: Metabolic determinants of biological aging in Northern Finland birth cohorts
10.15 Niina Sissala: Higher hemoglobin levels are an independent risk factor for gestational diabetes
10.30 Riikka Arffman: Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have poorer work ability and higher disability retirement rate at midlife - a Northern Finland birth cohort 1966 study
10.45 Johanna Timonen: Association between adolescents' social leisure time activities and the onset of mental disorders in young adulthood
11.00-11.30 Lunch break
11:30-12:30 Poster presentations and discussion (SpatialChat)
Keynote lectures (Zoom)
Chair: Professor Lari Lehtiö
12:30-13.15 Noncoding RNAs: From patient stratification to therapeutic therapies in heart failure patients
Professor Thomas Thum, Hannover Medical School, Germany
13.15-13.45 Infection susceptibility – a combination of biology and behaviour
Professor Timo Hautala, University of Oulu
13.45-14.45 Poster presentations and discussion (SpatialChat)
14.45-15.45 Oral presentations (selected from submitted abstracts, Zoom)
Chairs: Salla Ruskamo and Pirjo Åström
14.45 Carlos Vela-Rodriguez: Reconstitution of the DTX3L-PARP9 complex reveals determinants for high affinity heterodimerization and multimeric assembly
15.00 Pinja Tissarinen: Human placental proteomics and exon variant studies link AAT/SERPINA1 with spontaneous preterm birth
15.15 Eeva Sliz: Evidence of a causal effect of genetic tendency to gain muscle mass on uterine leiomyomata
15.30 Annalena Dittmann: Targeting AML by the leukemic matrisome interface
15.45-16.00 Awards and closing words
The Best Doctoral Thesis 2021 Awards
Best Oral Presentation Awards
Best Poster Presentation Award
16.00-18.00 Discussions continue in the poster rooms and the lounge (SpatialChat)
Organizing committee:
Lari Lehtiö
Antti Haapalainen
Virpi Harila
Juhani Junttila
Sanna Karppinen
Salla Ruskamo
Marja Vääräsmäki
Pirjo Åström
Sonja Salmi (graphics design)
Pia Askonen
Anne Vainionpää