Security, AI, Architecture and Modelling for Next Generation Mobility
The virtual conference will bring together industry experts and researchers working on innovative software and systems solutions for the next generation of mobility, especially focusing on Security and Privacy, Artificial Intelligence, Architecture, Modelling and related challenges.
Event information
Tue 15.06.2021 08:00 - Wed 16.06.2021 18:00
Venue location
Virtual Conference
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The Eclipse SAAM Mobility 2021 conference is co-organized by the Eclipse Foundation and the University of Oulu.
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline Apr. 16th
Acceptance Notification May 20th
Camera-Ready Paper Submission Jun. 8th
Conference Dates Jun 15th-16th
Check all the information about the Eclipse SAAM Mobility 2021 conference from here.
Last updated: 4.3.2021