Studia Generalia Seminar: The obligation to investigate and report the exposure to natural radiation in mineral exploration, mining, mineral processing, mining waste and tailings management, and recycling

Studia Generalia lecture discusses the obligation to investigate and report the exposure to natural radiation in mineral exploration, mining, mineral processing, mining waste and tailings management, and recycling.
Laboratory work

Event information


Wed 02.04.2025 14:00 - 16:00

Venue location

Tellus Stage & Teams



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The lecture is recommended for teaching and research staff, students, and anyone interested in the topic and who needs information. The lecture is also recommended for everyone who is planning practical courses, research projects and funding applications in the mining sector, as reports to the STUK must always be submitted in advance before starting any activity.

Activities that expose people to natural radiation, where the activity concentration of uranium-238, thorium-232, or their decay products in the materials being processed is greater than one becquerel per gram (1 Bq/g), are subject to the obligation to investigate and report the exposure to natural radiation in accordance with the Radiation Act 859/2018.

The party responsible for the activity must report to the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) the radiation exposure caused by the activity to workers and the public.

The report ensures that the occupational and public exposure to natural radiation is lower than the following reference values: 1 mSv for workers and 0.1 mSv for the public per year.

The obligation to report also applies to waste that is not radioactive waste as referred to in the Radiation Act 859/2018, but whose waste management requires consideration of radiation safety.

Samuel Hartikainen, Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), Oulu Mining School, University of Oulu

Presentation slides and discussion both in Finnish and English

Onsite: Tellus Stage
Online: Join the seminar via Teams here

Last updated: 17.3.2025