Study Abroad Fair 2024
Event information
Tue 19.11.2024 09:30 - 14:30
Venue location
Green coat racks
Join us to learn more about:
- Study and traineeship exchange opportunities.
- Financial support for study and traineeship exchange and how to apply.
- Staff and teacher exchange opportunities.
You can chat with the International Mobility Services staff as well as with our exchange ambassadors, students who have already been on exchange, and can share their exchange experiences and best tips for a successful exchange.
Program (preliminary):
9.30: Official Opening Ceremony of the Global Week - Fusion of Cultures: University of Oulu's Vice Rector for Education Mirja Illikainen and Oamk's Rector Heidi Fagerholm will say a few words after which a musical performance follows.
10-14.30: Living library of exchange ambassadors and current exchange students: Borrow a student who has been or is currently on exchange here in Oulu and ask about their exchange experiences.
10:15-10:45: Staff and Teacher Exchange Info in Finnish
11:45-12:15: Study Exchange and Internship Abroad Info in Finnish:
12:45-13:15: Staff and Teacher Exchange Info in English
13:45-14:15: Study Exchange and Traineeship Abroad Info in English