Sweco Day at the University of Oulu

Sweco company organizes the most interesting event of the autumn for students in collaboration with the University of Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Science 17.11.2021!
yritys-yliopisto-yhteistyö Sweco-päivä

Event information


Wed 17.11.2021 09:00 - 17:00

Venue location

Saalastinsali, University of Oulu

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The all day event is arranged at 9.00–17.00, but you can also participate only to morning or afternoon sessions. Coffee service is available in the morning and refreshing snacks in the afternoon.

In the program are among other things lectures, workshops, networking and discussions. You have also chance to visit virtual reality behind the VR glasses. The event is directed for students e.g. of architecture, technology and environmental sciences.

See additional info here (in Finnish)

Registration preferably until Friday 12.11.2021 here

Last updated: 11.11.2021