Teachers from Oulu for 70 years

The keynote speaker at the event will be Doctor of Social Sciences, University Lecturer Emerita, Tytti Isohookana-Asunmaa. The program also includes speeches, music, and festive coffee. Registrations by 6.11.2023.
Kerttu Saalasti
Kerttu Saalasti

Event information


Wed 15.11.2023 14:00 - 16:00

Venue location

Saalastinsali, Linnanmaa

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Welcome to celebrate 70 years of teacher education in Oulu on Wednesday 15.11.2023 at 14.00 – 16.00 at Saalastinsali, Linnanmaa campus. Coffee will be served after the party.

On February 11, 1952, six MPs from Northern Finland submitted a wish motion to Parliament. It proposed that "the government take urgent measures to establish a temporary teacher college in Oulu in order to quickly eliminate the shortage of primary school teachers, which is severely disrupting Northern Finland."
(Turunen, 2007: Teaching career from Oulu)

The Temporary Teacher Training Institute of Oulu started its operations in the autumn 1953. The Faculty of Education was established in 1974, and at the beginning of 2023, the name of the Faculty was changed to the Faculty of Education and Psychology as a result of the further diversification of degree programs. The Faculty has played a key role in teacher education in Northern Finland for 70 years.

Please register by November 6 (in Finnish)

You are warmly welcome!

Last updated: 30.10.2023