Tutor & kummi pop-up stand at Linnanmaa campus
Are you interested in becoming a tutor or kummi for new students, but you would like to know more before applying? Do you have some questions about the application process or would you like to know more about the tasks of a tutor or kummi? Come and visit the tutor and kummi pop-up stand!

Event information
Wed 24.01.2024 11:00 - 13:30
Venue location
Green coat racks, Linnanmaa campus
At the pop-up stand, the people coordinating tutor and kummi activities at the university will answer any questions you may have regarding applying, the trainings or the role of a tutor or kummi. In addition to the answers, we offer free coffee. ☕ 🤗
You can meet us at the green coat racks on Wednesday the 24th of January from 11 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. 💃🏻 For more information on tutoring and kummi activities and instructions on how to apply, can also be found here.
Last updated: 16.1.2024