UniOulu Science Day 2024

UniOulu Science Day is our university community's biggest interdisciplinary science event of the year. It is organised by the Centres for Multidisciplinary Research, the profiling themes and the Thule Institute of the University of Oulu, this year together with the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. The event is designed to facilitate knowledge sharing and networking and it is open to all researchers of the University of Oulu as well as the members of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. Join us on Wednesday 17 April 2024 for a broad range of interesting workshops and inspiring speeches and discussions, and take advantage of this opportunity to meet and build new connections with your colleagues from different disciplines.
UniOulu Science Day 17.4.2024

Event information


Wed 17.04.2024 08:30 - 17:00

Venue location

Linnanmaa Campus



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The language of the event is English, and it is free of charge. The event will be held at Linnanmaa Campus.

Register for the event by the 7th of April at the latest.


Starting at 8.30: Light breakfast served in Saalastinsali

9.00-10.15: Opening plenary, Saalastinsali

Welcome words – Professor Taina Pihlajaniemi, Vice Rector for Research, University of Oulu

Keynote speech – Sustainability and the Humanities, Professor Tuula Linna, President of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

Keynote speech - Transcending institutional, professional, and geopolitical boundaries: Revisiting standards for inter- and transdisciplinary research, postdoctoral researcher Kirsi Cheas, University of Vaasa

10.30-12: First workshop*

12-13: Lunch break

13-14.30: Second workshop*

*You can choose one of the following 13 workshops to attend in the morning and one in the afternoon. You must register for the workshops in advance in Brella, as spaces are limited. We will send workshop registration instructions by email to all those who have registered for UniOulu Science Day.


14.45-15.45: Afternoon plenary, L3

Speech – Research Director Marja Matinmikko-Blue, Infotech Oulu

Panel Discussion: Interdisciplinary Futures – Power of Collaboration


Professor Johannes Kettunen, Scientific Director of Biocenter Oulu
Associate Professor Anna Krzywoszynska, Cultural Anthropology
University Lecturer Antonio Calò, Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering
Postdoctoral Researcher Kirsi Cheas, Communication Studies, University of Vaasa
Doctoral Researcher Clément Massé, Ecology and Genetics

15.45-17: Poster session, Green coat racks

Emerging researchers will present their research at our poster session. Attendees will vote for the "Best poster" which will get an award of 200 €. Snacks and drinks will be served.

UniOGS doctoral researchers: You can add UniOulu Science Day participation in your PSP and get 0,5 credits of doctoral studies.

Last updated: 15.4.2024