University Business Forum 2022

University Business Forum is organised on Thursday Oct 6, 2022 at Linnanmaa Campus, Oulu with the theme Power to Renew.

Event information



Venue location

Saalasti Hall, Linnanmaa Campus

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UBF2022’s theme is "Power to renew", which highlights our collective opportunities for change and impact. At the 4th UBF you will get highlights from University of Oulu’s newest research-based knowledge, ideas and practices for your business.

Welcome to our main session and thematic sessions. Let’s get inspired for collaboration!

Participation to this half-day event is free of charge. The language of the event is English, though one thematic session is organized in Finnish.

Program for Thursday October 6, 2022:

08:30-09:00 Registration and coffee

09:00-10:15 Main session: Inspiration for renewal

  • Welcome by Arto Maaninen, Vice-rector, cooperation
  • Succeeding with change by Sari Heinonen, OP-Henkivakuutus (Life Insurance)
  • Solving the needs of future humans – Nokia Bell Labs with Universities by Mikko Uusitalo, Nokia Bell Labs Finland
  • EU funding powers renewal—Pekka Sivonen, Business Finland, Finnish Liaison office for EU Research & Innovation
  • Highlights from the University

10:15-10:30 Coffee and moving to sessions

10:30-12:00 Thematic sessions: Moving forward together

12:00-13:00 Lunch


The deadline for registration is on September 30, 2022.

Further information:

The event will take place at Linnanmaa Campus, Oulu. The main session offers a possibility to join online. As this is event is about collaboration and interaction, the thematic sessions are organized as face-to-face events.

We will follow all national recommendations related to covid-19 situation.

For more details about the event, please contact

Kaisa Still

Manager, Business Collaboration, 040 1508741

About our speakers:

Sari Heinonen

Sari Heinonen is Chief Executive Officer at OP-Henkivakuutus. She is an alumna of University of Oulu, with a Ph.D. in Marketing. She will be talking about how an insurance and banking company continuously responds to changes in its environment, in customer needs and in technology development— with strategy, agile organization, and responsible and sustainable operations.

Mikko Uusitalo

Mikko Uusitalo is Head of Research Department Radio Systems Research Finland at Nokia Bell Labs Finland. Dr. Uusitalo will be presenting about the world-class research of Nokia Bell Labs “solving the needs of future humans”, the quest for disruptive research and innovation, and how collaboration is central to their research model. University of Oulu is one of the Distinguished Academic Partners of Nokia Bell Labs.

Pekka Sivonen

Pekka Sivonen is the Head of Finnish Liaison Office for EU Research & Innovation in Brussels, promoting interaction between Business Finland and the EU's research programmes. He will be providing insights about the vast opportunities for EU financing for renewal and innovation. He will encourage companies and universities to be active with timely and relevant examples.

Last updated: 17.8.2022