University Business Forum 2024

Collaborate with businesses from startups to billion-dollar companies, learn about the latest research and hear inspiring insights from Subhagata Mukherjee, Nokia and Markku Heikura, Finnish Tax Administration. UBF2024 is an opportunity worth seizing!
Kolme ihmistä istuu ja juttelee hymyillen keskenään keltaisen seinän ja vihreän kasvin edessä.

Event information


Thu 31.10.2024 08:30 - 13:00

Venue location

Saalasti Hall, Linnanmaa campus



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Get ready to be inspired!

What can digitalization offer at its best now and in the future? How can it benefit your business and you as an entrepreneur, even today? Can sustainability, quality of life, accessibility, and profitability truly go hand in hand?

UBF2024 is coming with a new inspiring theme: People, Planet, Profit — emphasizing our shared journey towards regenerative business practices and sustainable transformation!

Register now!


  • 08:30-09:00 Coffee, registration and networking
  • 09:00-10:30 Inspiration for “People, Planet and Profit” (Saalastinsali) with welcome words by Arto Maaninen, Vice Rector for Cooperation

Keynote: There is no green without digital, Subhagata Mukherjee, VP, Global Head of Sustainability, Nokia

Keynote: Human-Centered Digitalization in Tax Administration, Markku Heikura, Director General of the Finnish Tax Administration

  • 10:30-10:50 Coffee and networking (Tellus)
  • 10:50 – 11:20 More inspiration: short thematic sessions (see below)
  • 11:20-11:30 Short break
  • 11:30- 12:00 More inspiration: short thematic sessions (see below)
  • 12:00-13:00 Lunch at Saalastinsali

This year's thematic sessions for focused discussions

10:50-11:20 Sessions

  • Metaverse in action — metaverse over 5g network and other demos

    Remote controlling a 3D printer through VR glasses? Not science fiction, but something that our co-creative cyber studio over 5GTN can demonstrate to you. Experience also Metapilot Factory pilots: Tarinatalo (House of stories, OY/OAMK), Mesta(OY), Onchain App(OY), Tanssinopetussovellus XR (XR Dance Teaching App, OAMK) and Lämpöakkusimulaattori (Thermal Battery Simulator, OAMK). Come and experience metaverse in action!

    Session facilitators: Kenichi Komatsu, Antti Pauanne ja Timo Bräysy

    Promoters of the demo:

    • University of Oulu: Juho Mattila, Ruut Tikkanen, Jenni Holappa, Sampsa Jalli
    • OAMK: Marko Sellman, Risto Ihalainen

  • People perspective: Beyond regenerative business

    Recent research insights with examples of successful projects and discussion about joint actions leading to nature positive business outcomes.

    Confirmed speakers (Session facilitators: Timo Pohjosenperä, Antti Siipo)

    Nature Positive Northern Ostrobothnia Project

    • Julius Gomes, PhD, Project Manager, Oulu Business School, Martti Ahtisaari Institute
    • Navid Yaraghi, PhD, Project Researcher, Faculty of Science

  • Nexus systemic approach: interacting energy, water and materials part 1

    Highlighting university research towards a green and just transition from an extractive economy to a regerative economy. Presenting approaches to understand interactions between energy, materials, water resources as well as people, built environments and ecosystems.

    Confirmed speakers (session facilitator: Prof. Mika Ruusunen)

  • Multidisciplinary research for societal impact: An internationalizing society and companies

    Many Finnish companies are active in international markets, and some are just starting to expand beyond their home market. At the same time, Finnish society is becoming more international, placing new demands on education, culture, and working life. We invite you to discuss and get to know the latest research on the conditions for successful internationalization.

    Confirmed speakers (session facilitators: Marika Rauhala, Mirva Saaranen)

  • Showcasing Mittlab and Biocenter Oulu for businesses

    University research labs and infrastructures at your service! Find out about how Mittlab and Biocenter contribute to companies’ RDI activities with testing and other services. Also there is an exciting opportunity to visit these labs in the afternoon!

    Confirmed speakers (session facilitator: Jarmo Pääkkönen)

    • Mittlab:
      • See beyond the surface, Matti Hanni, researcher and hospital physicist
      • Testimonial/comments
        • Alex Winkler, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Detection Technology
        • Shahrzad Behrouzi, Innomentarium
    • Biocentre Oulu:
      • Biocenter Oulu: Services for your life science and biomedicine RDI, Prof. Lauri Eklund, Director of Biocenter Oulu research infrastructure services.

    After lunch a 45 min on-site visit will be organized to continue the collaboration discussions to both Mittlab and Biocenter Oulu. Transportation will be provided from Linnanmaa to the Kontinkangas Campus and back!

  • Digital health and life science: people, startups, and growth business

    Startup pitches and people from the brand-new OYSTER Health and Life Science Incubator.

    Session facilitators: Martti Saarela, Minna Komu, Matti Muhos

  • Special session in Finnish: Tehosta yhteistyötä ja rakenna menestystä yhdessä! Yliopiston kunta- ja kaupunkiyhteistyön kehittämisen näkökulma

    Confirmed speaker:

    • Helka-Liisa Hentilä

Session facilitator: Marika Koivuniemi

11:30-12:00 Sessions

  • Metaverse in action — metaverse over 5g network and other demos

    Remote controlling a 3D printer through VR glasses? Not science fiction, but something that our co-creative cyber studio over 5GTN can demonstrate to you. Experience also Metapilot Factory pilots: Tarinatalo (House of stories, OY/OAMK), Mesta(OY), Onchain App(OY), Tanssinopetussovellus XR (XR Dance Teaching App, OAMK) and Lämpöakkusimulaattori (Thermal Battery Simulator, OAMK). Come and experience metaverse in action!

    Session facilitators: Kenichi Komatsu, Antti Pauanne ja Timo Bräysy

  • Promoters of the demo:

    • University of Oulu: Juho Mattila, Ruut Tikkanen, Jenni Holappa, Sampsa Jalli
    • OAMK: Marko Sellman, Risto Ihalainen

  • People perspective: Beyond regenerative business

    Recent research insights with examples of successful projects and discussion about joint actions leading to nature positive business outcomes.

    Confirmed speakers (Session facilitators: Timo Pohjosenperä, Antti Siipo)

    Nature Positive Northern Ostrobothnia Project

    • Julius Gomes, PhD, Project Manager, Oulu Business School, Martti Ahtisaari Institute
    • Navid Yaraghi, PhD, Project Researcher, Faculty of Science

  • Nexus systemic approach: interacting energy, water and materials part 2

    Highlighting university research towards a green and just transition from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy. Presenting approaches to understand interactions between energy, materials, water resources as well as people, built environments and ecosystems. Your comments and questions are welcome!

    Confirmed speakers (session facilitator Janne Anttila)

  • Multidisciplinary research for societal impact: Linkages between living environments, health and well-being

    Discover how diverse environmental exposures together with biological factors shape our health and well-being. From pollution and chemicals to diet and socioeconomic factors, our surroundings profoundly impact our risk of developing various diseases. Join the discussion on how multidisciplinary research can deepen our understanding of these linkages and help in building healthier communities.

    Confirmed speakers (facilitators: Marika Rauhala, Mirva Saaranen)

  • Showcasing Mittlab and Biocenter Oulu for businesses

    University research labs and infrastructures at your service! Find out about how Mittlab and Biocenter contribute to companies’ RDI activities with testing and other services. Also there is an exciting opportunity to visit these labs in the afternoon!

    Confirmed speakers (session facilitator: Jarmo Pääkkönen)

    • Mittlab:
      • See beyond the surface, Matti Hanni, researcher and hospital physicist
      • Testimonial/comments
        • Alex Winkler, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Detection Technology
        • Shahrzad Behrouzi, Innomentarium
    • Biocentre Oulu:

      • Biocenter Oulu: Services for your life science and biomedicine RDI, Prof. Lauri Eklund, Director of Biocenter Oulu research infrastructure services.

      After lunch a 45 min on-site visit will be organized to continue the collaboration discussions to both Mittlab and Biocenter Oulu. Transportation will be provided from Linnanmaa to the Kontinkangas Campus and back!

  • Digital health and life science: people, startups, and growth business

    Startup pitches and people from the brand-new OYSTER Health and Life Science Incubator.

    Session facilitators: Martti Saarela, Minna Komu, Matti Muhos

  • Kilpailuetua jatkuvasta oppimisesta ja yliopistoyhteistyöstä matemaattis-luonnontieteellisille (STEM) aloille – Case LUMA -keskus

    Oletko huolissasi matemaattis-luonnontieteellisten (STEM) osaajien saatavuudesta? Nyt sinulla on ainutlaatuinen mahdollisuus päästä mukaan Oulun yliopiston järjestämään työpajaan, jossa tutustutaan jatkuvan oppimisen mahdollisuuksiin ja LUMA-keskuksen tavoitteista Suomen LUMA(te)-strategian toimeenpanoon. Kuulet, kuinka yliopisto innostaa lapsia, nuoria ja opettajia matemaattis-luonnontieteellisten teemojen pariin, ja kuinka yritykset voivat olla mukana rakentamassa tulevaisuuden huippuosaajia. Tule mukaan ja oivalla, miten oppimisen jatkumo ja jatkuva oppiminen varmistetaan jo varhaiskasvatuksesta alkaen yhdessä yliopiston ja yritysten yhteistyöllä.


    • Jatkuva osaamisen kehittämisen polku ja sen tärkeys yritysten kilpailukyvylle (Marika Koivuniemi)
    • Kuinka LUMA-keskuksen toiminnalla innostetaan lapsia, nuoria ja opettajia matemaattis-luonnontieteellisten teemojen äärelle (Koulutusdekaani, Kasvatustieteiden ja psykologian tiedekunta, Sari Harmoinen)
    • Keskustelua aiheesta

    Session facilitator: Marika Koivuniemi

UBF is the University of Oulu’s main event for industry-university collaboration and is now organized for the 6th time. This half-day event is free of charge. The language of the event is English.

Register now!

Our speakers

Subhagata Mukherjee

Subhagata Mukherjee

  • Subhagata (Subho) Mukherjee, Nokia's Vice President and Global Head of Sustainability shares insights with his keynote: There is no green without digital.

    Subho is a global leader with broad experience in strategy, technology and innovation management, organizational impact & transformation and leadership positioning at large multinational companies. At Nokia, Subho leads the company’s global sustainability strategy, programs, and initiatives, including its overall Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) responsibilities. Subho’s focus areas include climate, circularity, bridging digital divide, industrial decarbonization, security and data integrity, responsible supply chain, responsible use of technology and new incubations in climate and nature related technologies.

Markku Heikura

Markku Heikura.

  • Markku Heikura has led the Finnish Tax Administration as Director General since 2018, after serving as Chief Information Officer since 2009. With a background in IT and management, he has held key positions at VTT Technical Research Centre and the State Treasury. Heikura holds a Master of Science in Technology from the University of Oulu, with a field of study in engineering, automation, and information technology in process techniques.

    Markku Heikura will discuss the journey of digitalizing tax services in Finland. He will highlight how the Finnish Tax Administration has built trust and efficiency through user-friendly digital platforms, clear communication, and innovative approaches. Heikura will explore how these advancements enhance the ease of use for citizens and contribute to the sustainable management of resources.

Now you have the opportunity to hear the insights of experts, the likes of which are rarely seen in Oulu, Finland, in your own hometown! Join us for an experience filled with inspiration, networking, latest research and collaboration opportunities.

Past UBF events


Last updated: 30.10.2024