Utilize new patent database.

The University of Oulu has acquired access to the PatSeer Explorer patent database. Participate in training!

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Mon 14.06.2021 12:00 - 13:30

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Did you know that up 80 % of all technical information can be found only from patent publications? Know-how from patents is important part of working life skills and essential if planning to establish a new business.

The University of Oulu has acquired access to the PatSeer Explorer patent database. It is intended for use by all university staff and students. Access requires the use of a university email address. There can be a maximum of 10 users at a time.

You can access the PatSeer Explorer patent database at: https://oulu.patseer.com/Account/Login. Notice that you can use the database for your studies or checking the novelty of your business idea.

The database contains more than 136 million patent and 200 million scientific publications in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, biomedicine, etc.

While free patent databases can also be used for making searches, there are several benefits to this paid version. These include: you can better filter search results, save search phrases and results, and transfer the results to Word or Excel for further use.

Learn to use PatSeer Explorer patent database by coming to online training.

When: 14th June at 12-13.30

Where: Zoom (Participation link: https://oulu.zoom.us/j/64609608351)

Trainer: Päivi Pennanen, Merilkon Oy

To whom: Researchers and all who need information of patents

Registration: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/AC6EBABC6D48C194

More info: Maarit Jokela, University Innovation Centre

Last updated: 31.5.2021