Utilizing human sciences data in business?
What does the data economy enable for companies?
What information on this topic is needed in ICT companies in the region?

Event information
Thu 29.09.2022 08:45 - 12:00
Venue location
LeaF research infrastructure / Zoom
The first presentation of the event will be given by industry professor Mika Ruokonen. He is a digital business professional with extensive experience in data and artificial intelligence, digital media, e-commerce, digital marketing, and software solutions. Mika has held several management positions related to strategy and business development, innovation, change management, and sales and marketing.
Another expert introduction is provided by medical technology professor Tapio Seppänen, whose specialty is digital data and signal analysis technologies. Tapio is a pioneer in the development of data analysis, algorithms, and applications related to human measurement. Examples of his interests include measuring human health from bio signals and medical images, learning science analytics, and management and analysis of various data sets related to human sciences.
During the event, we will get to know LeaF premises, equipment and methodical know-how, which is suitable for use in research and business life.
The event is free of charge. We offer brunch on-site for participating companies.
To reserve meals, please register by Friday, September 23rd. (event will be held in Finnish)
08:45 Opening of the event, morning coffee
09:15 How to create a business from data? Mika Ruokonen (remote connection)
10:00 Break
10:15 Examples and challenges in measuring human activity, Tapio Seppänen
11:00 Dining, Demo: collecting multi-channel data in practice
12:00 Upcoming seminars and the end of the event
Arrival instructions
Driving directions and parking on the Linnanmaa campus
See the location of the LeaF facilities on the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu on the map
or use the Oulu Campus Navigator application
More information
The event opens the seminar series of the HAiLife project.