Want a moment to recover after a study week?

Join us for a guided body & mind excursion to the Botanic Garden and its surroundings organized by UniMove and Lappis!

Event information



Venue location

Botanical Garden



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During the tour, we engage in well-being exercises, stimulate different senses and enjoy the rejuvenating power of nature. At the end we enjoyed a warm drink by the campfire. Hiking is a leisurely walk, stopping to do exercises. Dress warmly for the weather (remember to wear a hat, gloves and good, water-repellent footwear).

Time: on Friday 22.11. Group 1: at 16-17 / Group 2: at 17-18 (Please be there five minutes before the event starts.)

Place: Botanical Garden (Kaitoväylä 5), meeting at the edge of the car park by the Botanical Garden’s gate.

Instructor: Minna Haurinen / Lappis

Registration: Binding registration by Tuesday 19.11. via this link. Sign up for either group 1 or 2. The maximum number of participants in each group is 15. You do not need to be a UniMove member to participate. The tour is free of charge.

Last updated: 28.10.2024