Webinar on risks and their monitoring in underground research infrastructures

Event information
Fri 28.04.2023 13:00 - 15:00
Venue location
13:00 EET Welcome, Jari Joutsenvaara (University of Oulu)
13:10 Examples of underground research infrastructures
- Boulby underground laboratory, UK – Sean Paling (Director)
- Callio Lab, FI – Julia Puputti (Site manager)
14:00 Risks and monitoring
- Underground risk identification (Ass. Prof. Krzysztof Fulawka, KGHM Cuprum)
- Microseismicity and monitoring (Prof. Elena Kozlovskaya, Oulu Mining School)
- Muography in underground structural monitoring (CEO Marko Holma, Muon Solutions Oy)
14:45 Discussion and summary
15:00 Thank you
Please, register by 26th April here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/EP/1122EA6D4B1C0F01
The meeting link will be sent the day before.
This event is co-organised by
The Nordic EPOS is funded through NordForsk’s call for Nordic Research Infrastructure (RI) Hubs for 2020-2023 (project No. 97318).
European Underground Laboratories Association - EUL
Deep Underground Laboratory Integrating Action - DULIA