Working life skills -event

Event information
Thu 25.11.2021 14:30 - 16:00
Venue location
Stage, Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa campus & remote connection via Zoom
Come and listen, what are the working life skills, what kind of benefits they bring and why the skills should constantly be developed further!
In the event short speeches are given by specialists e.g. from the perspectives of occupational health, wellbeing and safety, communication, education and business world.
After introduction, discussion is continued in the panel, where among other things, modern day working life skills in different and constantly changing circumstances are issued.
A chairperson is Kaisa Karhu, Manager of the Career Center of the University of Oulu.
Panel discussion is lead by Kaisa Still, Key Account Manager, University Innovation Center, University of Oulu.
The occasion will be held at Stage, Tellus Innovation Arena, Linnanmaa campus.
You can also follow the event online, via zoom. The main language is Finnish.
Afternoon coffee service is available at the seminar site Stage!
See the program in Finnish site
Register to the event here.