The world of Virtual Reality: exploring technological advantages in research

Learn more about Virtual Reality technology, a research tool for various immersive and computer-generated environments to conduct studies, experiments, or investigations. Virtual Reality allows us to study for example human behavior, cognition, and reactions in a controlled and repeatable way. The immersive nature of VR enhances the sense of presence and engagement, providing researchers with valuable insights into controlled and customizable research environments.

Join us for a hybrid event with Dr. Matti Pouke, a Virtual Reality researcher at the University of Oulu, Center for Ubiquitous Computing, as he presents a comprehensive overview of the Virtual Reality foundations, research applications, and a glimpse into the future, and a demonstration of the new VARJO Virtual Reality headset in a hands-on session led by Antti Siipo, a tech expert from the University of Oulu's LeaF Infrastructure. Dr. Satu Kaleva, a Coordinator of Hybrid Intelligence will be introducing us to the fascinating profi7 program of Human-AI Co-evolution and Learning in Multi-realities (HI). Niina Palmu from the LeaF Research Infrastructure will introduce the technologies and services available for researchers at the University of Oulu.

Virtual reality
Virtual reality

Event information


Thu 14.12.2023 09:00 - 11:00

Venue location

LeaF, Linnanmaa Campus and Zoom

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9.00 Welcome

Niina Palmu from the LeaF Research Infrastructure will introduce the Hybrid Intelligence Data Forum @LeaF event and the technologies and services available for researchers at the University of Oulu.

9.05 Introduction of the Hybrid Intelligence research program: Human-AI Co-evolution and Learning in Multi-realities (HI)

Dr. Satu Kaleva, a Coordinator of Hybrid Intelligence will be introducing us to the fascinating profi7 program of Human-AI Co-evolution and Learning in Multi-realities (HI).

9.15 Virtual Reality - Foundations, research applications, and a glimpse into the future

Join us for an exploration of the field of Virtual Reality, its interdisciplinary background, and both fundamental and applied research examples with Dr. Matti Pouke, a Virtual Reality researcher at the University of Oulu, Center for Ubiquitous Computing.

10.15 Get Hands-On with the VARJO VR headset

Experience the features and applications of the VARJO Virtual Reality Headset during a hands-on session led by Antti Siipo, a tech expert from the University of Oulu's LeaF Infrastructure.

The hybrid event is open to all! Secure your spot and register here! The deadline for the registration is on Tue 12th Dec.

Last updated: 12.12.2023