Graduates in working life

The career monitoring survey is conducted since 2004 by Aarresaari, the national cooperation network for career and working life services.
The career monitoring survey provides comprehensive information on the work market position of graduates, career development and the correspondence of their studies with working life. The results of the survey provide valuable information for the development of education and career guidance at the University of Oulu.
Since 2021, the master's career monitoring survey has been tied to the universities' core funding model. The results of the survey affect on the funding received from the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Career monitoring for masters is carried out annually. The target group comprises all persons who have graduated with either a second cycle university degree or a so-called concluding first cycle university degree five years earlier. The target group is generally referred to as masters.
- The career monitoring survey round is launched in the autumn, and the results will be published in Vipunen (statistical service of the Finnish Education Administration) in the spring of the following year.
- For more information on the process and the implementation of the national career monitoring survey for masters, please see Aarresaari website.
Career monitoring for doctors is carried out annually simultaneously with the masters’ career monitoring survey. The target group comprises those who have graduated with a doctor’s degree 3 years earlier.
- Please see Aarresaari website for more information about the process and implementation of the national doctoral degree career monitoring.
The results of the universities’ career monitoring survey are publicly available on the Vipunen statistics service. Töissä.fi online service supports the career planning of applicants and graduates. It provides a large collection of examples of occupations and job titles and related career stories.
- Instructions for using Vipunen statistics service: In, go to University education -> career monitoring. From career monitoring page select "Visualizations" for masters or doctors. On visulizations go to page 2 and start exploring the results by filtering the year, university, field of study and education title.
- Töissä.fi
Read more about the career monitoring surveys on Graduates in working life - Aarresaari.
A detailed description of the use and storage of data from career monitoring surveys at the University of Oulu can be found in the privacy statement here (only available in Finnish).
For more detailed information about career monitoring in the University of Oulu, please contact career(at)