
English is the primary language for international communication in business, science, education, the humanities and medicine. English connects people of different backgrounds in all walks of life, enabling them to exchange ideas and find solutions.

For you

Faculty of Education and Psychology

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” Rita Mae Brown

Students in the Faculty of Education complete one English course:

902130Y Vieras kieli (englanti), 3 op - Foreign language (English), 3 ECTS Proficiency CEFR level B2

Timing: spring and autumn

Contact teacher: Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Follow the instructions below.

Faculty of Humanities

You can choose to complete your 5 credit foreign language requirement in English, French, German or Russian.

If you choose English:

The 5op requirement consists of two courses, normally taken simultaneously in the same semester:

Both courses meet once per week in class, and also include homework tasks.

There are autumn groups for students of:
- Finnish, Sámi language and Sámi culture (both courses, one combined group)
- Swedish and Information Science and Saami language (both courses, one combined group)
- Logopedia (own group; RAP course only in the autumn)

There are spring groups for students of:
- History (two groups for the AC course, one combined group for the RAP course)
- Literature (own group for the AC course, combined with the group below for the RAP course)
- Archaeology/Anthropology (own group for the AC course, combined with the group above for the RAP course)
- Logopedia (own group; AC course only in the spring)

If you received a grade of L or E in "long English" in your matriculation exam, you will be exempted from the 2 op RAP course and will complete the Academic Communication 3 op course part only.

Recognition of Learning? If you have completed Academic English courses elsewhere, perhaps abroad or in working life, please read our Recognition of Learning/Osaamisen tunnustaminen-pages, for details of how to apply for further exemption from the English course(s).

Contact teacher:

Heather Kannasmaa

Contact teacher for Humanities' English teaching: Heather Kannasmaa

Faculty of Science

English courses for students of Biology, Mathematical & Physical Sciences and Geography

Proficiency level for all courses: CEFR B2-C1

902002Y English 1 , 2 credits (Reading for Academic Purposes)
Biology: 1st year spring term (periods 3 and 4)
Mathematical & Physical Sciences 1st year autumn term (periods 1 and 2)

902004Y English 2, 2 credits (Scientific Communication)
Biology: 2nd year autumn term (periods 1 and 2)
Mathematic & Physical Sciences: 1st year spring term (periods 3 and 4)

902003Y English 3, 3 credits (Reading for Academic Purposes)
Geography: 1st year autumn (periods 1 and 2)

902005Y English 4, 3 credits (Scientific Communication)
Geography: 3rd year autumn (periods 1 and 2)

NB: If you received a grade of “L” or “E” in the Finnish matriculation exam, and began your studies in autumn 2009 or later, you will receive credits for the Reading component (English 1 or English 3) without attending the course. Please contact your faculty. You will still need to rejoin your classmates for your later English course.

902002Y English 1, 2 op (Reading for Academic Purposes)
Geosciences: 1st year spring term (periods 3 and 4)
Chemistry: 1st year autumn term (periods 1 and 2)

902004Y English 2, 2 op (Scientific Communication)
Geosciences: 2nd year spring term (periods 3 and 4)
Chemistry: 2nd year spring term (periods 3 and 4)

Students of Computational biology and data-analysis (MSc):

your degree program has no English language courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.

Contact teacher: Karen Niskanen

Faculty of Technology

Follow the intructions below.

Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine

Biochemistry BSc and MSc students complete the following English courses:

1. 902100Y English for Biochemists 1 (3 credits) Bachelor's degree, 1st year, autumn and spring terms

Exemption from part of the course is given to students with a matriculation exam grade laudatur or eximia cum laude approbatur and those who have graduated from an IB-programme. However, attendance is compulsory for ALL students at the first lesson, where more information will be provided to those who are due exemption. 1. (3 credits)

2. 902154Y Scientific Communication for Biochemists (5 credits) Master's degree 1st year, spring term

Contact teacher: Kari-Pekka Kallunki (kari-pekka.kallunki@oulu.fi)

Primary Teacher Education

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” Rita Mae Brown

Students in the Faculty of Education complete one English course:

902130Y Vieras kieli (englanti), 3 op - Foreign language (English), 3 ECTS Proficiency CEFR level B2

Timing: spring and autumn

Contact teacher: Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

Information Processing Science

Proficiency level: CEFR B2-C1

Information Processing Students will take their whole 5 ECTS credits of English EITHER in the Autumn OR in the Spring. The two courses must be taken together during the same term. The aim is for half of the students take their 5 credits in the Autumn and the other half in the Spring, which means the number of spaces in groups will be restricted.

1st YEAR, AUTUMN, 5 op: 902164Y English Communication for Information Processing - Reading (2cr) AND 902165Y English Communication for Information Processing- Oral Skills (3cr)

1st YEAR, SPRING, 5 op: 902164Y English Communication for Information Processing - Reading (2cr) AND 902165Y English Communication for Information Processing- Oral Skills (3cr)

Students may NOT take 902164Y in the Autumn and 902165Y in the Spring.

Contact teachers: Karen Niskanen and Satu Rusko

Electronics and Communications Engineering

To complete your compulsory foreign language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you take the Professional English course in the spring term of your first year of studies.

902167Y - Professional Communication for Technology (ECE) (1st-year ECE)

Contact teacher Satu Rusko (satu.rusko@oulu.fi)


N.B. Students of English and German, you do NOT complete these courses, as your studies in your major fulfill the requirement.

German language and culture

N.B. Students of German, you do NOT complete these courses, as your studies in your major fulfill the requirement.

Economics and Business Administration BSc

Economics and Business Administration BSc

The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

--Ludwig Wittgenstein

Here in the English for Business students program we understand the demands and importance of English skills in the world today. All English courses in this program are designed to improve the skills of all learners and to facilitate readiness to thrive in working world challenges. Our aim is to help you break your limits and extend your capacity to operate successfully in the world and to support you in your efforts to widen your expertise in your chosen field of study.

Students completing the degree program in the Oulu Business School

Your degree requirements include 11 credits in one or two foreign languages. In one of these languages you must reach the level required by your degree program.
If you choose English as your foreign language, you may choose from the following courses.

English courses for the Bachelor degree program

902126Y Business Studies for English Competence 4 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Some groups are online and some on campus
Timing: Autumn first year of studies Contact Teacher: Magdalini Liontou

902127Y Business English Launchpad 3 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Some groups are online and some on campus
Timing: Spring first year of studies Contact Teacher: Henrik Petäistö

For the last four credits, students can choose between the next three options:

902128Y Business English Interaction 4 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Second or third year of studies Contact Teacher: Jaana Sorvari

902129Y Legal English for Business Purposes 1-4 credits

Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Spring Contact Teacher: Eva Braidwood

902180Y English Communication through Transnational Online Projects 2-5 credits ​

Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Autumn and Spring Contact Teacher: Eva Braidwood

When you have completed 4 credits of business field-related B2 English courses, your field-related English ability can be said to be at the level required by your degree program and you can continue studying English or focus on another foreign language to fulfil the 11 credit requirement in foreign languages which is stipulated by your degree program.

HONORS English
To get an Honors English notation on your diploma, you must meet the following two requirements:
1. You must complete 11 credits of English. If you have credit transfers you must complete a minimum of 4 credits here at the University of Oulu.
2. Your grade point average in the 11required credits must be at least 4.


*If you have completed English language courses in another university or polytechnic, you can transfer up to 11 credits of your required 11 credits of foreign languages. Make an inclusion application in Peppi and send it to Jaana Sorvari.

You must mention in your application if you are seeking to include your credits in the mandatory foreign language requirement, the minor package or optional studies.

*If you have passed the Matriculation Examination of Finland and got an L or E in English, you can get a transfer of 2 credits. In this case you will make a replacement application and you should apply as follows:

Apply for YK00AH38 Pitkän englannin kielen kirjallinen taito/Global English SKills Apply to Magdalini Liontou

*IF you have completed the International Baccalaureate Program, you can transfer and receive 4 credits. Make a replacement application and apply for 902121Y Muita englannin kielen opintoja/Other English Studies and send your application to Jaana Sorvari.

*IF you have completed Business Writing, Business English Interaction or Business Studies for English Competence in the Open University of Oulu, make an inclusion application and send your application to Jaana Sorvari.

You must upload a proper transcript (opintorekisteriote) which shows the name of the university, your name and all course information (course name, grade and credits).

Process and Environmental Engineering

Engineering students

To complete your compulsory language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you complete the Professional English course according to your department's schedule:

902169Y Professional Communication for Technology (CE) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

902170Y Professional Communication for Technology (IEM) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Suzy McAnsh (suzy.mcansh@oulu.fi)

902173Y Professional Communication for Technology (ME) - spring term of second year of studies; contact teacher Kari-Pekka Kallunki (kari-pekka.kallunki@oulu.ti)

902174Y Professional Communication for Technology (PYA) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Joshua Ward (joshua.ward@oulu.fi)

The courses are targeted at the B2 - C1 level (CEFR)

Industrial Engineering and Management

Engineering students

To complete your compulsory language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you complete the Professional English course according to your department's schedule:

902169Y Professional Communication for Technology (CE) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

902170Y Professional Communication for Technology (IEM) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Suzy McAnsh (suzy.mcansh@oulu.fi)

902173Y Professional Communication for Technology (ME) - spring term of second year of studies; contact teacher Kari-Pekka Kallunki (kari-pekka.kallunki@oulu.ti)

902174Y Professional Communication for Technology (PYA) - autum term of second year of studies; contact teacher Joshua Ward (joshua.ward@oulu.fi)

The courses are targeted at the B2 - C1 level (CEFR)


Students of Architecture complete 6 credits of language courses (vieras kieli).
The following courses are offered in each academic year:

902151Y English for Architecture 2 ECTS/3 ECTS (2/3 op) spring term (first year of university studies)
902152Y English for Urban Planning 2 ECTS/3 ECTS (2/3 op) autumn term (second year of university studies)

Both courses are offered in two versions: one for 2 ECTS and one for 3 ECTS (54 hrs work and 80 hrs work).

  • Students who received the grade "L" or "E" in their matriculation exam complete a total of 4 ECTS (2 x 2 op courses). Students need to apply for the 2-credit exemption to the Oulu School of Architecture.
  • All other students complete a total of 6 ECTS (2 x 3 op courses).

Those who have graduated from an IB-programme can apply for exemption from the courses.


Our language courses offer professional communication specific to the field of architecture and land use planning. The 902151Y English for Architecture course focuses on professional vocabulary and language use needed for architectural design description. The 902152Y English for Urban Planning is integrated with course in urban design and planning (454501A Kaupunkisuunnittelun seminaarikurssi).

In addition, you can alternatively participate in an international project on design collaboration (902180Y English Communication through Transnational Online Projects - EnComTOP) with Spanish and Polish students (and possibly other nationalities) in partial completion (2 credits) of the courses listed above.

Contact teacher for Architecture: Eva Braidwood


To complete your compulsory foreign language requirement of 4 (ECTS) credits, you take two 2-credit courses as listed below. Our courses are targeted at the B2-C1 level (CEFR) .

If you received the grade “L” or “E” in the Finnish matriculation exam, you should apply for exemption from the 1st-year course.

Mining engineering and mineral processing

If any students have still to complete your compulsory English studies in this degree program, please contact your contact teacher (karen.niskanen@oulu.fi).


To complete your compulsory foreign language requirement of 4 (ECTS) credits, you take two 2-credit courses as listed below. Our courses are targeted at the B2-C1 level (CEFR) .

If you received the grade “L” or “E” in the Finnish matriculation exam, you should apply for exemption from the 1st-year course.

Contact teacher: Karen Niskanen

Mechanical Engineering

To complete your compulsory language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you complete the Professional English course according to your department's schedule:

902169Y Professional Communication for Technology (CE) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

902170Y Professional Communication for Technology (IEM) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Suzy McAnsh (suzy.mcansh@oulu.fi)

902173Y Professional Communication for Technology (ME) - spring term of second year of studies; contact teacher Kari-Pekka Kallunki (kari-pekka.kallunki@oulu.ti)

902174Y Professional Communication for Technology (PYA) - autum term of second year of studies; contact teacher Joshua Ward (joshua.ward@oulu.fi)

The courses are targeted at the B2 - C1 level (CEFR)

Civil Engineering

To complete your compulsory language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you complete the Professional English course according to your department's schedule:

902169Y Professional Communication for Technology (CE) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Katrin Korkalainen (katrin.korkalainen@oulu.fi)

902170Y Professional Communication for Technology (IEM) - autumn term of second year of studies; contact teacher Suzy McAnsh (suzy.mcansh@oulu.fi)

902173Y Professional Communication for Technology (ME) - spring term of second year of studies; contact teacher Kari-Pekka Kallunki (kari-pekka.kallunki@oulu.ti)

902174Y Professional Communication for Technology (PYA) - autum term of second year of studies; contact teacher Joshua Ward (joshua.ward@oulu.fi)

The courses are targeted at the B2 - C1 level (CEFR)

Business Analytics MSc (Tech)

Kansainvälisten maisteriohjelmien opiskelijat: tutkinto-ohjelmaasi ei kuulu Kieli- ja viestintäkoulutuksen englannin kursseja.
Students in International Master's Programs: your degree program has no English language courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.

Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics

To complete your compulsory foreign language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you complete the English course according to your department’s schedule:

Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) DICE students

To complete your compulsory foreign language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you take the Professional English course in the spring term (2022) of your first year of studies.

902167Y - Professional Communication for Technology (ECE) (1st-year ECE)

Information Processing Science (IPS) DICE students

Proficiency level: CEFR B2-C1

Students will take their whole 5 ECTS credits of English EITHER in the Autumn OR in the Spring. The two courses must be taken together during the same term. The aim is for half of the students take their 5 credits in the Autumn and the other half in the Spring, which means the number of spaces in groups will be restricted.

1st YEAR, AUTUMN, 5 op: 902164Y English Communication for Information Processing - Reading (2op) AND 902165Y English Communication for Information Processing- Oral Skills (3op)

1st YEAR, SPRING, 5 op: 902164Y English Communication for Information Processing - Reading (2op) AND 902165Y English Communication for Information Processing- Oral Skills (3op)

Students may NOT take 902164Y in the Autumn and 902165Y in the Spring.

Contact teachers: Karen Niskanen and Satu Rusko

Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) DICE students

To complete your compulsory foreign language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you complete the Professional English course according to your department’s schedule:

902168Y - Professional Communication for Technology (CSE) – spring term of second year of studies; contact teacher Satu Rusko (satu.rusko@oulu.fi)

Biomedical Engineering

Kansainvälisten maisteriohjelmien opiskelijat: tutkinto-ohjelmaasi ei kuulu Kieli- ja viestintäkoulutuksen englannin kursseja.
Students in International Master's Programs: your degree program has no English language courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.

Computer Science and Engineering

To complete your compulsory foreign language requirement of 5 (ECTS) credits, you complete the Professional English course according to your department’s schedule:

902168Y - Professional Communication for Technology (CSE) –spring term of second year of studies; contact teacher Satu Rusko (satu.rusko@oulu.fi)

Economics and Business Administration MSc

International Masters of Economics and Business Administration

Students in the International Masters of Economics and Business Administration degree program will complete either a Finnish language course or an English course.

If you are a native speaker of Finnish or an international student whose Finnish language skills are more advanced, the course you will complete is:

902177Y Academic English for Business 5 op CEFR level B2-C1

Register for this course in Peppi.

If you have completed a similar course at the CEFR level B2-C1 or if you have already completed a Masters, Licentiate or PhD thesis, you may be eligible for a credit transfer. Send your enquiries to the contact teacher for this course.

Contact Teacher: Joshua Ward (joshua.ward@oulu.fi)

If the Contact Teacher recommends that you make a credit transfer application, make an Inclusion application to Peppi and send it to Joshua Ward.

Intercultural Teacher Education

The International Teacher Education programs for BA and MA have no courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.

Kansainvälisten maisteriohjelmien opiskelijat: tutkinto-ohjelmaasi ei kuulu Kieli- ja viestintäkoulutuksen englannin kursseja.
Students in International Master's Programs: your degree program has no English language courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.


“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” Rita Mae Brown

Students in the Psychology degree programme complete one English course:

YK00AO90 English for Psychology, 3 op - English for Psychology, 3 ECTS

Timing: spring

Contact teacher: Henrik Petäistö (henrik.petaisto@oulu.fi)

Music Education

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” Rita Mae Brown

Students in the Faculty of Education complete one English course:

902130Y Vieras kieli (englanti), 3 op - Foreign language (English), 3 ECTS Proficiency CEFR level B2

Timing: spring and autumn

Contact teacher: Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

Special Education

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” Rita Mae Brown

Students in the Faculty of Education complete one English course:

902130Y Vieras kieli (englanti), 3 op - Foreign language (English), 3 ECTS Proficiency CEFR level B2

Timing: spring and autumn

Contact teacher: Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

Early Childhood Education

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” Rita Mae Brown

Students in the Faculty of Education complete one English course:

902130Y Vieras kieli (englanti), 3 op - Foreign language (English), 3 ECTS Proficiency CEFR level B2

Timing: spring and autumn

Contact teacher: Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

Education Science and Educational Psychology

“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.” Rita Mae Brown

Students in the Faculty of Education complete one English course:

902130Y Vieras kieli (englanti), 3 op - Foreign language (English), 3 ECTS Proficiency CEFR level B2

Timing: spring and autumn

Contact teacher: Sari Törmänen (sari.tormanen@oulu.fi)

Health Sciences

To complete your compulsory foreign language requirement of 3 (ECTS) credits, you complete the following course:

Contact teacher: Satu Rusko (satu.rusko@oulu.fi)


Compulsory for all 1st year students of medicine and dentistry.

Note: Since the course is integrated with the following courses

  • 043010P Anatomy: Medical cell and developmental biology, and
  • 043027P Psychology for Medical Students,

the Medical English course will be completed in three modules (summary writing for cell biology in the autumn semester, doctor-patient communication in the autumn or spring semester, and student conference on psychology in the spring semester).

Exemption: Students with IB diploma and/or university studies completed in an English-speaking environment can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (AHOT). Thus, such students may be granted exemption from attendance, on condition that they submit specific tasks which demonstrate their competence in the above three areas. Instructions for these tasks will be given in the decision on the submitted application. Further information: contact teacher

In this course you will be writing about topics of your own choice. Through the writing tasks you will develop your scientific writing skills in English. The course is recommended for students who aim to write their specialization studies in English and/or wish to publish their research at a later stage.

Contact teacher: Eva Braidwood


Compulsory for all 1st year students of medicine and dentistry.

Note: Since the course is integrated with the following courses

  • 043010P Anatomy: Medical cell and developmental biology, and
  • 043027P Psychology for Medical Students,

the Medical English course will be completed in three modules (summary writing for cell biology in the autumn semester, doctor-patient communication in the autumn or spring semester, and student conference on psychology in the spring semester).

Exemption: Students with IB diploma and/or university studies completed in an English-speaking environment can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (AHOT). Thus, such students may be granted exemption from attendance, on condition that they submit specific tasks which demonstrate their competence in the above three areas. Instructions for these tasks will be given in the decision on the submitted application. Further information: contact teacher

In this course you will be writing about topics of your own choice. Through the writing tasks you will develop your scientific writing skills in English. The course is recommended for students who aim to write their specialisation studies in English and/or wish to publish their research at a later stage.

Contact teacher: Eva Braidwood

Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science

Kansainvälisten maisteriohjelmien opiskelijat: tutkinto-ohjelmaasi ei kuulu Kieli- ja viestintäkoulutuksen englannin kursseja.
Students in International Master's Programs: your degree program has no English language courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.

Biomedical Engineering MHSc

Kansainvälisten maisteriohjelmien opiskelijat: tutkinto-ohjelmaasi ei kuulu Kieli- ja viestintäkoulutuksen englannin kursseja.
Students in International Master's Programs: your degree program has no English language courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.

Learning, Education and Technology

Kansainvälisten maisteriohjelmien opiskelijat: tutkinto-ohjelmaasi ei kuulu Kieli- ja viestintäkoulutuksen englannin kursseja.
Students in International Master's Programs: your degree program has no English language courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.

Education and Globalisation

Kansainvälisten maisteriohjelmien opiskelijat: tutkinto-ohjelmaasi ei kuulu Kieli- ja viestintäkoulutuksen englannin kursseja.
Students in International Master's Programs: your degree program has no English language courses with the Languages and Communication Unit.

International Business Management (BSc EBA)

International Business Management BSc

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

--Nelson Mandela

Here in the English for Business students program we understand the demands and importance of English skills in the world today. All English courses in this program are designed to improve the skills of all learners and to facilitate readiness to thrive in working world challenges. Our aim is to help you break your limits and extend your capacity to operate successfully in the world and to support you in your efforts to widen your expertise in your chosen field of study.

Students who are native or C2-level users of Finnish

Your degree requires the completion of studies in academic and research English in the field of business. For this reason you will complete the following course:

900083A Research Communication in Economics 2 credits

Proficiency level: B2-C1 Blended or online course
Timing: Spring third year of studies Contact Teacher: Jaana Sorvari

Your degree requirements include a total of 13 credits in one or two foreign languages. In one of these languages you must reach the level required by your degree program.
If you choose English as the foreign language in which you will achieve this level, you must complete at least 4 credits at B2 level. You may choose from the following courses.

902126Y Business Studies for English Competence 4 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Some groups are online and some on campus
Timing: Autumn first year of studies Contact Teacher: Magdalini Liontou

902127Y Business English Launchpad 3 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Some groups are online and some on campus
Timing: Spring first year of studies Contact Teacher: Henrik Petäistö

For the last six credits, students can choose between the next three options:

902128Y Business English Interaction 2 or 4 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Second or third year of studies Contact Teacher: Jaana Sorvari

902129Y Legal English for Business Purposes 1-4 credits

Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Spring Contact Teacher: Eva Braidwood

902180Y English Communication through Transnational Online Projects 2-5 credits ​

Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Autumn and Spring Contact Teacher: Eva Braidwood

When you have completed 4 credits of business field-related B2 English courses, your field-related English ability can be said to be at the level required by your degree program and you can continue studying English or focus on another foreign language to fulfil the 11 credit requirement in foreign languages which is stipulated by your degree program.

HONORS English
To get an Honors English notation on your diploma, you must meet the following two requirements:
1. You must complete 13 credits of English. If you have credit transfers you must complete a minimum of 4 credits here at the University of Oulu.
2. Your grade point average in the 11required credits must be at least 4.

CREDIT TRANSFERS Scroll down towards the bottom of this page and see the credit transfer information there.

International students

Your degree requires the completion of studies in academic and research English in the field of business. For this reason you will complete the following course:

900083A Research Communication in Economics 2 credits

Proficiency level: B2-C1 Blended or online course
Timing: Spring third year of studies Contact Teacher: Jaana Sorvari

Your degree requirements include 5-10 credits in one or two foreign languages. In one of these languages you must reach the level required by your degree program.
If you choose English as the foreign language in which you will achieve this level, you must complete at least 4 credits at B2 level. You may choose from the following courses.

902126Y Business Studies for English Competence 4 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Some groups are online and some on campus
Timing: Autumn first year of studies Contact Teacher: Magdalini Liontou

902127Y Business English Launchpad 3 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Some groups are online and some on campus
Timing: Spring first year of studies Contact Teacher: Henrik Petäistö

For the last six credits, students can choose between the next three options:

902128Y Business English Interaction 2 or 4 credits
Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Second or third year of studies Contact Teacher: Jaana Sorvari

902129Y Legal English for Business Purposes 1-4 credits

Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Spring Contact Teacher: Eva Braidwood

902180Y English Communication through Transnational Online Projects 2-5 credits ​

Proficiency level: B2-C1 Online course
Timing: Autumn and Spring Contact Teacher: Eva Braidwood

When you have completed 4 credits of business field-related B2 English courses, your field-related English ability can be said to be at the level required by your degree program and you can continue studying English or focus on another foreign language to fulfil the rest of your credit requirement in foreign languages which is stipulated by your degree program.

HONORS English
To get an Honors English notation on your diploma, you must meet the following two requirements:
1. You must complete 10 credits of English. If you have credit transfers you must complete a minimum of 4 credits here at the University of Oulu.
2. Your grade point average in the 10 required credits must be at least 4.


*If you have completed English language courses in another university or polytechnic, you can transfer up to 13 credits of your required 13 credits of foreign languages. Make an inclusion application in Peppi and send it to Jaana Sorvari.

You must mention in your application if you are seeking to include your credits in the mandatory foreign language requirement, the minor package or optional studies.

*If you have passed the Matriculation Examination of Finland and got an L or E in English, you can get a transfer of 2 credits. In this case you will make a replacement application and you should apply as follows:

Apply for YK00AH38 Pitkän englannin kielen kirjallinen taito/Global English SKills Apply to Magdalini Liontou

*IF you have completed the International Baccalaureate Program, you can transfer and receive 4 credits. Make a replacement application and apply for 902121Y Muita englannin kielen opintoja/Other English Studies and send your application to Jaana Sorvari.

*IF you have completed Business Writing, Business English Interaction or Business Studies for English Competence in the Open University of Oulu, make an inclusion application and send your application to Jaana Sorvari.

*If you have completed a course in academic English or research English in the field of business in another university or polytechnic, you can make an inclusion application and apply for YK00AL61 Research Communication in Economics. Send your application to Jaana Sorvari.

You must upload a proper transcript (opintorekisteriote) which shows the name of the university, your name and all course information (course name, grade and credits).


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Physical Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, FSci

Follow the general instructions above.

Computational biology and data-analysis

Follow the general instructions above.

Mathematical Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, Chemistry

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training, FHum

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Information Studies

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Cultural Anthropology

Follow the general instructions above.


Follow the general instructions above.

Swedish Language

Follow the general instructions above.

Finnish Language

Follow the general instructions above.

Saami Culture

Follow the general instructions above.

Science Communication, MA

Follow the general instructions above.

Saami Language

Follow the general instructions above.

History of Sciences and Ideas

Follow the general instructions above.

Subject Teacher training

Follow the general instructions above.

Learning Sciences

Follow the general instructions above.

Medical and Wellness Technology

Follow the general instructions above.

International Business Management (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Financial and Management Accounting (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Business Analytics (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Marketing (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Finance (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.

Economics (MSc EBA)

Follow the general instructions above.