Student communications

The University's instructions, news and events for students are concentrated on the student's website on the service. News and events can also be read in the Tuudo mobile app. In addition, students receive a newsletter once a month, including the most important news of the month. We recommend that you regularly follow the University's email.

Follow these communication channels

News and events common to all students:

  • – The student website contains university's news, events and instructions for students
  • Tuudo mobile application – You can also follow the student's news and events, published on the page, on Tuudo
  • University email – The university sends a newsletter to all degree and exchange students once a month (not published in June and July)
  • @unioulu account on Instagram
  • Jobs and internships and career guidance appointment booking are centralized in the JobTeaser service at

News and events of degree programmes and faculties:

  • – you can follow the news of your own degree programme from the drop-down menu
  • Tuudo mobile application – you can order the news of your own degree programme to be followed in Tuudo
  • University email – faculties and degree programmes send information to students via email lists. Some faculties also have their own newsletters for students.
  • If other channels (e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook) are used in the degree programme, they are agreed upon separately.

Read more about M365/O365 email service

You can find information about OYY's activities on OYY's website, where you can also order OYY's newsletter. The events of the Student Union and its member organisations can be found in the Student Union's event calendar.