Applying for an extension of study right

Applying for an extension of study right in the University of Oulu - students studying for a Bachelor or Master’s degree.

Applying for an extension of study right

Students who have begun their studies after 1st of August, 2005, have a limited study period. Higher education degrees have target durations of study times (read full instructions of target durations of degree studies). University of Oulu students studying for a Bachelor or Master’s degree can apply, if necessary, for an extension to their study time. Study time can only be extended for studies directly related to the degree.

If a student’s normative degree studies period is coming to its end while the student has not completed the study attainments required for the degree, the student may apply for an extended study period.

Applying for an extension will incur a fee starting from January 1, 2025 (Government Decree 199/2024, 4 §). The fee is 50 euros per application. Please pay the processing fee before submitting your Extension of study right application and attach the payment receipt to the application. Paid application processing fees are non-refundable.

Extension of study right is applied in eForms system with Extension of study right application form.

Please attach the required attachments before sending the application.

  • Transcript of records.
  • An up-to-date study plan specifying the studies to be completed within a given schedule. The plan must be approved by your PSP (personal study plan) instructor or your tutor/study counsellor. The plan must indicate the studies to be completed and their completion dates with semester-level precision. N.B. You can take a screenshot of your PSP in Peppi, attach it to a word document and have the approval on that. If the only remaining study is the thesis, a statement from the thesis supervisor must be attached.
  • Attachments justifying the delay. You may attach an expert statement to your application, which should clearly indicate the reason for the need for additional time (e.g., a diagnosis of an illness), your personal information, the name and position (profession/expert role) of the person providing the statement, the validity period of the statement, and the date. You may also attach an informal explanation detailing the reason for the need for additional time.
  • Receipt of payment.