Complete freedom to choose what and how you study

Manushi Bashini from Sri Lanka enjoys the freedom students experience at the University of Oulu in choosing what and how they study. She says the lecturers are not pushing the students to come to lectures, which raises her motivation. The lecturers are also always open and ready to help and consult students with their studies, Wanniarachchi says.
“Studies here are based on practical learning techniques which allow you to reflect on what you have learned. For some studies, we have daily learning diaries as assignments, and those combine your daily life with the theories”
Bashini worked in logistics in Sri Lanka after her Bachelor’s. She worked for freight companies and airlines, but she’d rather be involved with something like human resources.
“Logistics wasn’t for me. I am good at communicating with people, being social. That’s why I like the Ambassador programme as well, I’ve got to know so many people. I also like to give something back in return, so this is a chance for me to help other students,” Wanniarachchi says.
Many networking options
In addition to an encouraging study environment, Bashini says that there are many activities to do at the university.
“If you are an extroverted person, this is the best option for you. There are so many guilds and clubs you can join. All around the year, there are events and programmes you can participate in. If you like to travel, there’s the Erasmus Student Network, which I would recommend. I am currently a part of some very nice programmes, like the UniOulu Ambassador programme, Kummi Family Programme and the mentoring programme,“ Bashini lists.
Enjoying Oulu
Apart from her studies, Bashini says that she is having a great experience in Oulu. This is her first time away from home and family, and she says she has settled in very nicely.
“I prefer my own space and don’t like being surrounded by noise. Oulu is a great city with fresh air and greenery, woods, lakes, and beaches. This is also the most cycling-friendly city in Finland. I really can’t explain the experience you get when cycling through the woods, breathing fresh air. I am also experiencing snow for the first time!” Bashini enthuses.