Exploring in a field where passion lies

Before moving to Finland, Sugandha Vats studied Political Science at the University of Delhi. When searching online for options to pursue a master’s degree, Sugandha found the Education and Globalisation programme offered by the University of Oulu. “I found it online while searching for programmes on education. I stumbled upon the Studyinfo website and found the course that seemed fitting for all my interests,” Sugandha adds.
“Finland was regarded as one of the best countries for education, and I saw some of the stories of UniOulu Ambassadors, so I was motivated to apply,” Sugandha further comments.
Sugandha’s programme seemed to be the perfect balance of her previous educational background and her interest. Sugandha explicitly mentions that the course content was interesting and unique.
“I have had many classes where my knowledge and concept of education or learning has expanded.”
An amazing experience
Sugandha grew up in Delhi, the capital of India. “I am from a big, lively, and historical city which caters to people from all walks of life. I have lived and studied all my life in Delhi. The wonderfully green or, in winter, white Oulu is quite the change for me,” Sugandha comments.
Sugandha’s first impression of Finland was that it was cold. “While I was in awe of the tall trees and the lakes, I was scared of the winters. Now that I have made it through my first winter, my view of darkness and winter has changed,” Sugandha adds.
As a person who enjoys interacting with people and learning from others, Sugandha enjoys the atmosphere University of Oulu offers.
“It was a completely new experience interacting with people from different parts of the world.”
Figuring out living independently in a new country and getting all the legal documents and procedures has been quite challenging for Sugandha. Nevertheless, seeing the northern lights, appreciating nature, biking around the city, and making new friends has been a fantastic experience for her.
“I plan on growing and unlearning on a personal and professional level. I aim to acquire new skills and values which will help me in my journey ahead in life. I wish to embrace the international spirit of my programme and my education to gain meaningful experiences. I hope to work and explore in a field where my passion lies,” Sugandha mentions with confidence.