Finland always has an image of a fairytale world in my heart

Finland has always been Yipaerguli Mohetaer’s dream destination for studying and living because of the high-ranked education system and the major she was interested in: Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science.
Student ambassador at the university

My choice - University of Oulu

Yipaerguli graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Preventive Medicine in China. Back then, she was passionate about internships and gaining hands-on skills from the workplaces and tutors. With the given background, she wanted to continue her higher studies in epidemiology and health statistics. Fortunately, the University of Oulu had the programme she was interested in.

“First, I always dreamed of travelling to other continents and experiencing unique cultures. Secondly, the University of Oulu has the very major Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science that I want to study as I am interested in this field,” Yipaerguli explains. “Thirdly, Finland always has an image of a fairytale world in my heart, and it has always been my destination for studying and living with highly ranked education and safe environment.”

"I had always thought about studying in Finland as this is a highly-developed, beautiful country."

Supportive study environment

Studying Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science at the University of Oulu provided Yipaerguli with an excellent opportunity to continue studying in the field she always wanted. So far, she has gained a lot from various lectures, seminars, and exercises.

"I firmly believe that the University of Oulu will train many qualified epidemiologists and data scientists in the near future."

“I still remember that one of our lecturers taught us how to use PubMed correctly. I thought I knew that already, but we could not utilise it like the expert- our teacher. I enjoy myself while studying as all the lectures are extremely helpful in my class even though Covid causes some difficulties for contact learning at the beginning.”

"Every lecturer is very patient and nice; no matter what question we ask, they always listen till the end and answer calmly."

Fascinated by the beautiful nature

“I am from Xinjiang, China, and my hometown is a rather small city, so the people there are very enthusiastic.” Yipaerguli mentions. She studied for her bachelors in Ningbo, a city near Shanghai. The distance from Nimbo to her hometown was approximately 5000km. “The experience of taking trains for four days and three nights was tiring but precious memory. You got to make some sacrifice for schooling.”

When Yipaerguli was in China, she watched a documentary about Finland and discovered it is a country covered in forests and lakes.

"When I finally came here in August, I was fascinated by the beautiful nature. It is quiet and pretty as a picture."

A brand-new journey

The language was the biggest challenge for her in the beginning when she came to Finland. “But now I can understand somehow as I have been taking Finnish language courses,” Yipaerguli mentions.

Yipaerguli defines herself as a persistent person who tries her best to achieve her goals. “This is my first year of studying at the University of Oulu. I hope to visit more places during my studies and get internship opportunities. Besides, I want to achieve an intermediate level of Finnish at the end of 2022.”

Yipaerguli has been trying her best to be as active as possible to keep good mental and physical health. She met new people by joining activities organised by UniOulu Ambassadors, OYY (Student Union) and some other organisations. She is looking forward to exploring more in the future!

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