One decade of studies and research in Finland

Carolina De la Rosa grew up in the Mexican border city Nuevo Laredo right next to the US-state Texas. Later she moved further into Texas to study Environmental Science. Comparing these places to Oulu she came to appreciate the infrastructure here.
“I am really happy that I don’t need a car to get around. You can always walk or go by bike or bus. It is so easy and so much better for the environment.”
Doing environmental research
In her thesis Carolina did research on an endangered roadside flower as part of a research project. Her studies at the University of Oulu helped Carolina improve her professional skills. In the future she is planning to contribute to environmental research.
Next to the professional improvement she also valued the atmosphere of the programme. “We were a really tight small group of people who would get together regularly or go for a coffee. We also had some great teachers and nice staff,” she tells.
“I really liked the laboratory work, and my supervisor was so nice and supportive.”
First impressions of Finland
Carolina has been in Finland for almost a decade and thinks back to the first time she came to the country as an exchange student. She tells about how she arrived in Helsinki and how the place stroke her as grey and cold. The train ride to Oulu was long and exhausting. “But then my Kummi student (tutor) picked me up and I met all my classmates and neighbours, and I had a great time. Studying a master’s is of course a bit more serious, but it was still fun,” she laughs.
Lovely Lapland
The exchange set the foundation for returning to Oulu, for studying a master’s and gaining several research jobs that took her around the country. Her favourite experiences were projects in Oulanka and Utsjoki, but Oulu is also a great place to start trips to Lapland. “I have been to Lapland a lot in the past years, I really like it there!”, Carolina says.