
The grand challenges of our times force us to take sustainability more seriously than ever. Sustainability has become a major consideration in research funding in the recent years. Below we briefly explain different takes on sustainability to be considered in your research design. Remember, sustainability is social impact.

The Big Picture

Challenges and Commitments

UN SDGs and Research Funding

UN SDGs have been adopted by various research funders such as the EU and the Academy of Finland. The funders require that applicants indicate clearly which SDGs relate to their research and how they provide solutions or participate in finding solutions for global challenges. Finding the connection between research and the SDGs is not just vital for funding applications but it is also part of recognising the impact that your research has. Contributing to the UN SDGs is societal impact. Not all research has a direct link to sustainable development which is also okay.

Researchers can provide solutions for global challenges.

Finding the connection between your research and the UN SDGs might become easier if your research unit or faculty has already recognised how they will tackle the global goals in their strategy, but even if no such strategy exists, it is advisable for all of us to get to know the goals or at the very least, understand the big picture.