Innovation thrives: The University of Oulu’s innovation milestones in 2024
The new year has begun, and it’s time to review the results of innovation activities at the University of Oulu! The university and its researchers have remained highly active across nearly all areas of innovation. In fact, we set a couple of new records in inventions and patents, promising great potential for commercialization in the coming years.

The Innovation Centre plays a key role in coordinating and advancing innovation activities. This includes, for example, many meetings with researchers — about 1500 of them last year alone! Together with researchers, we pushed forward patenting, licensing, and commercialization efforts, often in their active development stages. We also proactively engaged with new researchers and projects, keeping an ear out for innovative ideas and future commercial opportunities. Additionally, we organized 37 information sessions and training events in 2024 to support innovation efforts.
The number of invention disclosures has been on the rise for several years, reaching a record-breaking 72 reports last year. Half of these originated from open research, while the rest stemmed from commissioned or contract research. From commissioned research, 11 inventions were transferred to clients for potential patenting. For other innovations, the university applied for patents on 15 inventions, marking an all-time high. The university was granted five new patents, all representing the first grants of new patent families.
The University of Oulu’s patent portfolio has been steadily growing, adding several new patent families annually for nearly a decade. Today, the portfolio includes 66 active patent families, each with a short- or long-term commercialization plan. Last year, the university signed six commercialization agreements, generating 424 000 euros in revenue from intellectual property sales and licenses. At least 40 % of net revenue is distributed to inventors, along with rewards for invention disclosures and patent filings or grants. In 2024, inventors received a record 212 000 euros in rewards, setting a new benchmark.
Proof-of-Concept (PoC) funding also played a vital role in commercializing research results. Over 287 000 euros was allocated for PoC projects, with 134 000 € in support from the City of Oulu. Additionally, the 6GESS project provides 300 000 € for 2024–2025. Researchers submitted 32 PoC funding applications, with 16 projects receiving grants of 20 000–50 000 €. This funding supported 3–4 months of development work, often resulting in the first prototype or technical implementation for research-based business ideas. PoC funding also backed four student-led projects, totaling approximately 20 000 €.
The university is advancing about 15 commercialization projects aimed at launching startups, all rooted in research and supported by current or completed Business Finland’s Research to Business (R2B) projects. One of these projects successfully led to the establishment of a startup in 2024. Researchers submitted six R2B funding applications last year, with four receiving positive decisions. Additionally, the Riitta and Jorma J. Takanen Foundation supported three projects with a total of 95 000 € in grants. The growing inventive activity among researchers promises an exciting future filled with new commercialization projects and startups.
Jouko Uusitalo
Director, Oulu University Innovation Centre