MFA - Frequently Asked Questions

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) practically means that you verify or authenticate your login to the online service with a mobile phone connected to the service. MFA can reliably identify users in online services using Microsoft 365 login, and it prevents misuse of user accounts. On this page you will find answers to frequently asked questions related to the use of MFA.

Information for guest users

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is also enabled for people outside the organisation of University of Oulu who have been invited to join our Teams or who have access to a shared content, such as files, on Oulu University's Microsoft 365 environments.

  • A guest user account is basically an email address other than that of the organisation that maintains the service.
  • If you are a Guest user and you log in to the Microsoft 365 environment of the University of Oulu for the first time, you will receive a notification More information required at the login stage. You will be directed to set your authentication method. Follow the on-screen instructions and enter your Microsoft account security information details for the phone you wish to use for authenticate your login.
  • You can also change the authentication methods or set them in advance at
  • If you no longer collaborate with the University of Oulu, you can leave the M365 environment of the University of Oulu. Then you will no longer have access to our organization's Teams workspaces or files that have been shared to you.

You can find more information about how to manage your MFA settings on MFA with a guest user account.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Campus ICT support

You can turn to Campus ICT support service in all MFA matters of the University of Oulu (UO) and the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk).