Minor studies
Information on available minor studies is available at study guide. Please note that there are minors that have participation restrictions. Detailed information about application procedures and admission criteria for minor subjects that have a limited study right can be found from Peppi study guide. Take into consideration that also degree structure defines which minor subjects, and how many minors, can be included in the degree. If there are no limitations, you can freely choose a minor from the University of Oulu selection, or from another Finnish university by cross-institutional studies.
How to apply?
- See the degree structure of your programme. Find out how many minor studies (ECTS credits) can be included in your degree, and when (year/term/period) it is recommended to study minor studies.
- Take a look at study guide to see which minors studies are offered at the University of Oulu. You can also take minors from another Finnish university using the cross-institutional network, or during your exchange studies at foreign university.
- Discuss the minor studies that interest you with your tutor teacher, when making a personal study plan (PSP). You can also discuss your minor studies plan with your degree programme study advisor or with the programme director.
Determine whether the minor subject you are interested in is freely selectable or if you need to apply for it and if participation in a placement test is required. You can find this information in the study guide under the description of the minor subject.
A) If you need to apply for the minor subject, do so within the application period according to the instructions. The application instructions can be found in the study guide under the description of the minor subject. Apply for the minor subject using the electronic form available on the Non-degree study right page (unless otherwise instructed).
B) If the minor subject is open to everyone, add the minor subject to your personal study plan (PSP). You can find instructions for adding a minor subject to your personal study plan (PSP) in the Student's Peppi instructions.
- Enrol for the minor subject’s courses as usual.
Minor subject offerings at the faculties of the University of Oulu
You can find the minor subject offerings in the study guide under the heading Minor subjects and other study modules.
Further information
For more information about minor studies, please contact your faculty's study services.
For you
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Minor Studies for students at the Faculty of Education and Psychology
Students at the Faculty of Education and Psychology have the possibility (depending on their degree structure) to complete minor studies and elective studies at their own faculty, other faculties at the University of Oulu, Oulu Open University studies, The Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia studies and Cross-institutional studies. Students can also complete minor studies in other universities at their own expense and include the studies in their degree (if the degree structure allows this).
When choosing a minor, you should pay attention to
a) Degree structure – the number of minors in your degree
b) Including your minor studies in your PSP
FEP minor application round, spring 2025
- Minor studies application round 2025 will be held from the 4th February until the 28th February 2025 at 03:00 PM UTC+2 (4.2.−28.2.2025 at 15.00).
- Application if made through a Webropol form
- Before filling out the application form, please read the "minor studies info" slides carefully, and contact your education designer for any questions (study.education@oulu.fi).
- Remember to confirm your minor placement via Webropol form by the 2nd June 2025.
1. Minor studies offered by the Faculty of Education and Psychology
You can find information on the minor studies offered by the faculty at Peppi.
- The minors are only accessible via application during the Spring minor application round. Please follow your email and other communication, and remember to apply in the Spring application round! The application and selection criteria as well as the list of minor studies offered will be updated yearly.
- Please note that some of the minors used to be "free minors", but faculty has updated it's minor guidelines and all minors must be applied to starting from spring 2025. Please see Minor studies info 2025 -slides (above) for more information.
Please note that the courses in Gender Studies, Education in Transition, Digital Technologies in Teaching and Learning as well as Education for Intercultural Competences are in English, while the other subjects are mainly in Finnish.
2. Minor studies offered by other Faculties
You can find the minor studies offered by other faculties in Peppi study guide (see also minor studies info slides). Applying: ask more information from the Faculty Study Services
3. Open University of Oulu
Studies at the Open University of Oulu are in principle free of charge to a degree student registered present at the University of Oulu. You may sign up for courses according to instructions of the Open university. Please note that some of the Open university courses offered by the Faculty of Education and Psychology are included in the Spring application round for minor studies. Please apply for health education and special education minor studies in the Spring application round, or in the additional application round in the Autumn. The Faculty will provide you with more specific instructions on how to sign up for those minor studies you apply for during the Spring application round.
Some studies offered at the Open University of Oulu may be on offer as other studies at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, and will not be free-of-charge for degree students.
If a study module on offer at the Open University is offered in the Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia, please check any possible payment arrangements for these studies from the Faculty Study Services.
Please note that the selection of studies offered in English is very limited.
4. The Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia
A student registered present at the University of Oulu can complete studies included and approved in their PSP at the Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia. The courses provided by The Summer University are free of charge for degree students, if the courses are included in their PSP. Please contact your degree programme’s education designer (the Faculty Study Services) if you wish to update your PSP. If teaching is free, it will be separately mentioned in the course description of the courses. Please visit the website: The Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia. Please note that the selection of studies offered in English is very limited.
If the PSP is approved and a student is thus given a payment agreement to studies, this study entity will be counted as minor studies paid by the Faculty of Education. The Faculty of Education and Psychology will not offer a payment agreement to additional minor studies, or free elective studies that do not fit in their degree’s minimum amount of ECTS credits. This payment agreement only applies to courses/study modules that are completed, so please take this into consideration when timing your studies.
5. Cross-institutional study
See more from the Cross-institutional study -website.
6. Studies after graduation
Please note that you may complement your competencies at the University of Oulu after graduation.
a) You can apply for a complementary study right when you apply for graduation, and it allows you to
- complete minor studies you have been given a study right to during your degree studies
- study free minor studies at the University of Oulu, or
- study other separate study modules offered by the University of Oulu
b) Later after graduation you may apply for a non-degree study right, which may be granted for valid reasons to single courses or a study module. These studies will cost a student 10€/ECTS credit and the study right will be granted if there are available seats at the course or study module.
c) You can also complement your competencies later via Open University as a fee-paying customer, or perhaps find interesting studies via continuing education.
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
As a student of the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, you have the opportunity to study minor subjects and optional courses from your own or other faculties of the University of Oulu, the Open University of Oulu and the The Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia. Paid studies that reasonably support the study plan must be approved in advance in PSP. You can also complete minor subjects at other universities at your own expense and include them in your degree.
Faculty of Humanities
Studying in the Faculty of Humanities is relatively free. In many fields of study the students can build up their degree depending on where their interests lay.
Minor subjects are important aspects of the student’s degree. They form a significant part of the Bachelor’s and the Master’s degree. Students familiarize themselves with the minor subject options when putting together their personal study plan (PSP).
When choosing a minor subject, sudents can use the university’s expert resources, i.e. teacher tutors, Education Designers and the university’s Student and Career Counselling services.
You can find the current list of minor subjects in the Faculty of Humanities in the Peppi study guide.
Entrance examinations for minor subjects at the Faculty of Humanities:
- English
Note! You can take this exam (English as a minor subject, ‘sivuaine’) only if you are a degree student (BA, MA) at the University of Oulu.
- content – the relevance and accuracy of the answers
- language – the grasp of vocabulary and grammatical precision, the ability to write clearly, fluently and flawlessly
- structure and organization – the logical presentation and overall coherence of the argumentation
- Finnish Language
- French Language
The entrance examination for French language is held on Wednesday 23 April at 13 on Linnanmaa campus. Sign up for the examination by contacting mailto:maritta.riekki@oulu.fi by 21 April. The entrance examination is in French.
- German Language and Culture
Entrance Examination for German language and culture is on Tuesday 15 April 2025 at 9-12 on Linnanmaa campus, Lo128. Sign up for the examination through Peppi or Tuudo with HG00AF89-3005 Entrance Exam, German Language and Culture as a Minor Subject -realisation by 8 April 2025. The entrance examination is in German.
- History and History of Science and Ideas
- Information Studies
- North Sami
- Swedish Language
Entrance Examination for Swedish language is held on Tuesday 6 May 2025 at 9-12 on Linnanmaan campus, SÄ102. Sign up for the examination through Peppi or Tuudo with HR00AG02-3004 Entrance Exam, Swedish Language as a Minor Subject -realisation by 22 April 2025. The entrance examination is in Swedish.
Oulu Business School
More information about minor studies offered by Oulu Business School and other University of Oulu faculties can be found in Peppi study guide.
By choosing your own study programme from the list below, you can read more about the choices available in your programme. Please note that not all degrees have the option of minor studies.
Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
The students who have registered in the University of Oulu are not required apply for a study right in minor studies in the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. It is possible to choose minor studies in the following Degree Programmes: Information Processing Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Communications Engineering. You can join freely to courses in minor studies but please take into consideration the possible participation restrictions.
Faculty of Science
Follow the general instructions above.
Faculty of Technology
Follow the general instructions above.
Information Processing Science
Please find current Information Processing Science minor from Peppi. If you have further questions please sent them to the study.itee@oulu.fi
Health Sciences
Minor studies in health sciences: university level study modules of at least 25 ECTS credits, according to the degree programme curriculum and the student's Personal Study Plan. For further advice on minor study requirements, see the course catalog of your degree programme.
Computer Science and Engineering
Minor subject studies in Computer Science and Engineering are 25 ECTS cr (approbatur) or 60 ECTS cr (cum laude approbatur) studies. Student of University of Oulu don’t need to apply separately for Minor subjects studies. Courses of Minor subject studies can participated freely. However students should take into account limited number of participants.
Minor subject studies in Computer Science and Engineering have 15 ECTS cr compulsory studies. The remaining studies are optional.
Compulsory Studies | Laajuus/ECTS cr | Period | |
521141P | Elementary Programming | 5 | 1 |
521160P | Artificial Intelligence | 5 | 4 |
521287A | Introduction to Computer Systems | 5 | 1 ja 2 |
Valinnaiset opinnot | |||
521145A | Human Computr Interaction | 5 | 2 |
521150A | Introduction to Internet | 5 | 4 |
521151A |
Applied Computing Project I |
10 | 1- 4 |
521157A | Introduction to Social Network Analysis | 5 | 2 |
521159P | Principles of Digital Fabrication | 5 | 4 |
521337A | Digital Filters | 5 | 3 |
521467A |
Digital Image Processing |
5 | 1 |
521484A | Statistical Signal Processing (no longer held) | 5 | 4 |
521495A | Artificial Intelligence | 5 | 3 |
521453A | Operating Systems | 5 | 4 |
521457A | Software Engineering | 5 | 3 |
521275A | Embedded Software Project | 8 | 2,3 ja 4 |
031023P | Mathematical Structures for Computer Science | 5 | 1 |
521040A | 3D Virtual Environments and Applications | 5 | 4 |
521293A | Introduction to XR Systems | 5 | 3 |
Electronics and Communications Engineering
You can choose 25 ECTS cr. or 60 ECTS cr. minor studies in the field of Electronics and Communications Engineering. The students who have registered in the University of Oulu are not required apply for a study right in minor studies. You can join freely to courses in minor studies but please take into consideration the possible participation restrictions.
Compulsory Studies
521077P Introduction to Electronics, 5 ECTS cr
521109A Electrical Measurement Principles, 5 op
521301A Digital Techniques 1, 8 op
521330A Telecommunication Engineering, 5 op
521329A Hands-on Course in Wireless Communication, 5 ECTS cr
521302A Circuit Theory 1, 5 ECTS cr
521104P Introduction to Material Physics, 5 ECTS cr
521071A Principles of Semiconductor Devices, 5 ECTS cr
521431A Principles of Electronics Design, 5 ECTS cr
521070A Introduction to Microfabrication Techniques, 5 ECTS cr
521307A Laboratory Exercises on Analogue Electronics, 5 ECTS cr
521384A Basics in Radio Engineering , 5 ECTS cr
521432A Electronics Design I, 5 ECTS cr
521092A Electronic Measurement Techniques, 5 ECTS cr
If you are planning to accomplish personal Minor studies please contact educational designer .
Applied and Computational Mathematics, Minor Studies
Minor studies are 25 ECTS credits or 60 ECTS credits.
For 25 and 60 Credits, compulsory courses:
031010P Calculus I, 5 ECTS cr
031075P Calculus II, 5 ECTS cr
031078P Matrix Algebra, 5 ECTS cr
031076P Differential Equations, 5 ECTS cr
031021P Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 5 ECTS cr
and in addition in 60 ECTS credits Minor studies:
Compulsory Studies:
031022P Numerical Analysis, 5 ECTS cr
and optional studies in 60 ECTS credits Minor studies (take 30 ECTS credits of these):
031077P Complex Analysis, 5 ECTS cr
031023P Mathematical Structures for Computer Science, 5 ECTS cr
031025A Introduction to Optimization, 5 ECTS cr
031080A Signal Analysis ,5 ECTS cr
031079S Mathematical Signal Processing, 5 ECTS cr
031051S Numerical Matrix Analysis, 5 ECTS cr
031084S Graph Theory, 5 ECTS cr
031085S Special course on differential equations, 5 ECTS cr
Economics and Business Administration BSc
Please see the Finnish language version of this page to see instructions for the Bachelor of Science Degree Programme in Economics and Business Administration.
International Business Management (BSc EBA)
Elective Studies
Starting from the academic year 2024-2025, OBS Bachelor’s degrees will include either a Minor subject module or Elective Studies (25 credits). The student can choose which entity to complete.
Elective Studies are available to all OBS Bachelor's degree students, regardless of their starting year. The change does not require updating Personal Study Plans (PSP) - the choice will be taken into consideration in the degree certificate when graduating. The rest of the degree structure does not change, and the
student completes his/her other studies according to their regular degree structure.
Elective studies can include either one minor subject (25 study credits) or separate courses that advance the student’s career aspirations or skills development. The studies must be university level (with a few exceptions listed below) and the course content cannot overlap with mandatory courses in the degree structure.
Elective studies can include:
- One minor subject (25 cr), with the exception of Microentrepreneurship minor, or
- Basic and intermediate level studies offered by Oulu Business School (minor subjects, courses from OBS Degree Programme in Economics and Business Administration, which do not overlap with IBM degree curriculum)
- Elective courses offered by Oulu Business School (see Peppi study guide under "Minor subjects and other modules")
- Courses offered by other faculties/units/universities
- Additional courses completed as international exchange studies
- UNIC courses (Study Guide/ The European University of Post-Industrial Cities – UNIC/UNIC Network Studies and UNIC course offering)
- University-level Cross-Institutional Studies (see course offering and instructions for students at Cross-Disciplinary studies website (pay attention also to field-specific restrictions).
- MOOC courses. See more information on MOOC offering.
- Swedish language preparatory courses, other elective university level language studies.
Elective studies may include only the following courses which are not university level:
- Working life skills courses arranged by Suomen Ekonomit (Working Life Skills -bootcamp for future leaders and business professionals (2 cr) and Oma osaaminen näkyväksi ja asiantuntijabrändi erottuvaksi (2 cr)
- The Finnish Defence Forces' Leadership Training: The Finnish Reserve Officer (RUK) or Non-commissioned Officer (AUK) (5 cr)
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Physical Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, FSci
Follow the general instructions above.
Computational biology and data-analysis
Follow the general instructions above.
Mathematical Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Process and Environmental Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Industrial Engineering and Management
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, Chemistry
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Mining engineering and mineral processing
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Mechanical Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Civil Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training, FHum
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Information Studies
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Cultural Anthropology
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
German language and culture
Follow the general instructions above.
Swedish Language
Follow the general instructions above.
Finnish Language
Follow the general instructions above.
Saami Culture
Follow the general instructions above.
Science Communication, MA
Follow the general instructions above.
Saami Language
Follow the general instructions above.
History of Sciences and Ideas
Follow the general instructions above.
Subject Teacher training
Follow the general instructions above.
Learning Sciences
Follow the general instructions above.
Primary Teacher Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Learning, Education and Technology
Follow the general instructions above.
Music Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Special Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Intercultural Teacher Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Early Childhood Education
Follow the general instructions above.
Education Science and Educational Psychology
Follow the general instructions above.
Education and Globalisation
Follow the general instructions above.
Business Analytics MSc (Tech)
Follow the general instructions above.
Digitalisation, Computing and Electronics
Follow the general instructions above.
Biomedical Engineering
Follow the general instructions above.
Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Medical and Wellness Technology
Follow the general instructions above.
Follow the general instructions above.
Biomedical Engineering MHSc
Follow the general instructions above.
International Business Management (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Financial and Management Accounting (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Business Analytics (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Marketing (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Finance (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Economics (MSc EBA)
Follow the general instructions above.
Economics and Business Administration MSc
Follow the general instructions above.