My first experience of studying at the University of Oulu

We have two orientations to choose from: Software Engineering and Information Systems. In the first period, students who do not know how to choose between the two study tracks, do not have to decide in a hurry. They can choose courses in two directions at the same time and take any one of them as an optional course. In this way, the right to choose any orientation in the second period can be reserved.
Through one period of study, students have sufficient time to consider how to choose. Speaking of optional courses, the master's programme of the University of Oulu requires 20 credits of optional courses, but there is no limit to the optional studies, and we can choose electives at will according to our interests. The University of Oulu offers a lot of interesting optional studies to choose from, I am sure you will find the one that suits you.
Studying at the University of Oulu has cultivated my ability to study independently. The assignments that teachers usually assign have a deadline. We need to learn how to reasonably arrange the time to complete the assignments, especially when the assignments in multiple courses overlap.
We have a lot of time to study, we just need to arrange our time well. As a supplement to the lecture content, study tasks are often not easy to find the correct answer. You need to consult the materials yourself or watch the additional content supplemented by the teacher to learn new knowledge. Whether in our future work or our daily life, we often need Self-learning, and the learning process at the University of Oulu allows us to adapt to this process well.
It's very fun and very fulfilling when you complete the learning tasks through self-directed study.
The University of Oulu has a career centre that deals with students' work-related issues. For example: how to start your career, how to find your first job, how to revise a Finnish-style resume, etc. They also often hold various events, corporate presentations, recruitment events, etc., aiming to connect students with high-quality companies and help them find their desired jobs.
You can better understand what you have learned by applying your expertise to practical work. Problems can only be discovered in practice and trying to solve them also gives us a deeper understanding of what we have learned.

The efficient, reasonable, and humanized learning model gradually made me fall in love with the learning process. I hope that after two years, I can improve my expertise and find a career that I love.
About the author
Xinyuan Ma from China is studying in the Software Engineering and Information Systems master’s programme at the University of Oulu. He is a “comedian” and a nature lover. In addition to that, he also wants to try all winter sports in Oulu.