news 24.02.2025 Future materials for solving geopolitical dependencies are developed at the University of Oulu
news 18.02.2025 Novel insights from 26 years of monitoring across Finland highlight how moth abundances impact northern birds
news 21.11.2024 Shedding light on dark diversity – Scientists aim for a breakthrough in describing new species
news 13.06.2024 New funding from the Research Council of Finland for researchers at the University of Oulu
news 05.06.2024 Play “The Lone Wolf” science-based board game at your school in the Autumn 2024 – to raise awareness about large carnivores and explore young people’s opinions about nature
news 22.05.2024 New research into the secrets of the forest: the Finnish tree population is made up of families and neighbourhoods
news 24.04.2024 The status of the Nordic wolverines is the worst, a comprehensive Eurasian-wide study shows
news 21.06.2023 Comprehensive Policy Brief to the EU commission – Roadmap to Decolonial Arctic Research
news 13.01.2023 12 million euros from the Academy of Finland to strengthen the research profile areas at the University of Oulu
news 07.09.2022 The University of Oulu seeks postdoctoral researchers to strengthen its interdisciplinary research profile fields