news 03.02.2023 Scientists find new genes predisposing to uterine fibroids – genes contributing to higher muscle mass play a key role
news 20.12.2022 Researchers discover a new mechanism linked to genetic susceptibility and progression of prostate cancer
news 19.12.2022 Interest in the nature drives medical researcher Ali Mobasheri toward new solutions for osteoarthritis
news 10.10.2022 New information revealed on the causes of sudden death associated with coronary artery disease – instead of acute myocardial infarction, the underlying disease is mostly cardiomyopathy
news 07.09.2022 The University of Oulu seeks postdoctoral researchers to strengthen its interdisciplinary research profile fields
news 15.08.2022 Open positions: Two Postdoctoral and two doctoral researchers on osteoarthritis and intervertebral disc degeneration
news 02.03.2022 Discovery by the University of Oulu’s research group of a new mechanism that regulates blood pressure
news 18.01.2022 Rare genetic variants may increase the risk of sudden death associated with less advanced coronary artery disease